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Michael Wassil: "Dance of Ecstasy concludes that the miscontrued 'God' of Christian orthodoxy corresponds to the 'self,' as defined in tantric theory, of every individual man and woman. The conscious realization of that self is the 'kingdom within' to which we are summoned. Dance of Ecstasy concludes further that the path to self realization is based firmly and ultimately upon an ancient, nondual and life-affirming theory of consciousness that predates 'Christianity' by many centuries and upon its methodology of the male/female love/sex relationship. I have dubbed this theory of consciousness the Metaphysic of Ecstasy. This ancient theory was clearly both holistic and humanist. It underlay the venerable goddess religion of antiquity in its various forms. Although it has been nearly exterminated by the dualistic and materialistic metaphysic which forcefully overthrew it, vestiges of its remarkable insight and methodologies survive to this day, most notably in Indian tantra and Taoist yoga, and in the west in kabala and alchemy... In spite of disagreements interpreting it and even some last minute attempts to prevent its inclusion in the official canon of sacred scriptures, the Apocalypse has been revered and accepted by the majority of Christians. Thus, what can be demonstrated as valid regarding the Apocalypse must be equally valid regarding the inclusion of hidden secrets within the Christian teaching as a whole. It may be argued that the majority of Christians have never really understood the Apocalypse, an argument with which I completely concur. Someone, however, at some time understood and took great pains to ensure that this enigmatic book was enshrined in the canon of Christian sacred books in order to preserve it for posterity, misunderstanding Christians included. Its connection to other Christian writings cannot be denied. It uses the same terms, the same allusions, the same symbols throughout... To dismiss it out of hand on the grounds that what it presents is too farfetched to orthodox understanding would be a grave error. In its ingenious composition and subtlety the Apocalypse remains one of the most remarkable literary works ever written. The Apocalypse, more than any other Christian scripture, deserves its place of respect. The time has come finally to perceive its meaning clearly..." Dance of Ecstasy - Prologue

"Philosophy tries to answer your questions directly by telling you all about whatever you are asking. But from the tantric point of view no real knowledge can come this way but only phoney knowing about. Real knowledge can be gained only by doing. So tantra does not give you the answers you seek directly. Instead tantra shows you where you are and who you are. Tantra reveals the where? and the who? that is asking the question and it shows you how to attain the answers to your questions for yourself. Tantra can do nothing more. In fact, no philosophy, no religion and no science can do more, even though they may think they can. Only you can answer the questions you are asking. No one else can breathe for you, or eat for you, or sleep for you. You have to do these things for yourself. So too, you have to realize who and what you are for yourself. In the realization that occurs you will then answer your own questions. The full process of being human is described in the Apocalypse. You are encountering yourself. What you are encountering is not a narcissistic projection. You are not encountering some externalized entity 'out there' some place beyond outer space that you can call God. You are encountering the who and the what that is really you. For this encounter to occur, for this experience to happen, you have to do more than merely philosophize or believe in some religion. You have to open up. You have to become open and receptive and take a risk. You have to plunge into the unknown. You have to know love. Then you will begin to understand and to know yourself. Until you know love and allow yourself to be transformed by its power, the experience I am talking about can not happen. You are only fooling yourself to think otherwise. Love is the key to the kingdom locked inside each and every one of us. Each one of us must set it free for ourselves..." Dance of Ecstasy - Path of Love

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