Note: these excerpt threads are subject to continual revision and updating as opportunity and priority permits

George A. Maloney: "This book has been written for those who have already begun to live in that affective union with Christ, their beloved, because they have determined by God's grace to do all to purify their hearts so that they may 'see' God dwelling within them. Through such interior struggles to leave all in order to find all, they already know experientially that they are mystically united to Christ and nothing can separate them from him as long as they walk in humility... | There are two deserts that all who wish to follow Christ must enter into and do the spiritual battles necessary in order to come out of them transformed. The first kind of desert wandering is in that particular desert that carries our own name. You have your desert and I have mine. It consists of all the brokenness and bias toward the false ego that come into our genes by birth and into our consciousness through education and social intercourse with the world around us. The causes are numerous; the effect is always the same -- selfishness that lives in separation, and not toward God and neighbor. The bride has entered into that darkened desert, and there Christ became her divine physician. There she learned through weaping and morning, through calling on his name that he comes and helps her in her weakness... The other desert is that of the world around the bride, and this is something exterior to her from which she cannot escape. Trials and purifications will always come from this desert. She has entered into the kingdom of God but she remains in pilgrimage..." [17|158] Singers of the New Song

"We human beings, with free will, have the ability to live according to the image and likeness to which God has created us or we can destroy the logos within ourselves by living contrary to the will of our Creator. In this sense the most really real persons would be those who live constantly according to the mind of God. The 'unnatural' persons would be those independent ones who live according to their own selfish interests.... True human beings are those who live their lives according to the God-Man that makes us truly logikos. Sinners are those who refuse to love as a-logos...| The Eastern Fathers unanimously teach that we, created by God according to the image and likeness of Jesus Christ, are born therefore to live in the light of Jesus Christ, the Logos. It is he who gives us our raison d'etre. The work work of the Holy Spirit is to create within us a constant hunger to possess this inner presence of Jesus as light in a more conscious, unifying way. As we grow in deeper silencing of our heart and begin to see how bound we are by shadows and darknesses, by sense pleasures and false impressions, in such a state of alienation, we cry out continually to see more of Christ's light, to experience more and more of his assiliating presence that will bridge the abyss seperating our sinful selves from him in a union of loving surrender... The Christian, advancing in union with Christ, knows that something real is happening and yet can hardly find adequate words to express this experience of Jesus Christ as light... The overwhelming, unifying sentiment is, 'My God, he loves me!' The mystic feels loved, wanted, accepted, and this by Perfection and Beauty itself! The communication of God to the human soul and the soul's surrender of itself to God admits of great degrees of intimacy in this life and above all in fullness in the life to come. Always the process of divinization brings one to a confusion of blurred lines. Where do I end and were does God begin?" [4-5|200-1] The Undreamed Has Happened: God Lives Within Us

"Paul uses epignosis much as the Old Testament writers used the Hebrew word yada, to express knowledge not merely of the intellect but of the 'heart.' This kind of knowledge gives us not only a noetic understanding about God but empowers the 'anawim,' the poor in spirit, to respond to God's call by action. One 'knows' the saving deeds of Yahweh by experiencing his transcendent divinity and this, in turn, prompts the believer to respond in the way he or she lives... | Living in God's wisdom and the Spirit's love, we are called in Christ to live out our Baptism through a mystical death and resurrection by which we die to sin and rise to a 'new life in Christ' (Col 3:4). This demands a certain praxis or ascetical lifestyle that Paul taught and lived in order to purify our hearts and minds so that they will be open to ever deeper levels of union in Christ... True Christian mysticism, as outlined by Paul, must be grounded upon the love of God working in us and in our world and our response by returning God's love, living and and working in Christ to build up his body through service to others" [18|100] The Mystery of Christ in You

"We receive our existence in and through a human community, the family. It is in a loving community that we      best evolve the potential within us to become fully human by discovering our unique identity in a loving I-Thou relationship... We will do just about anything to make contact with another living being, especially another living human being, in order to establish a sharing community. This burning need to communicate with others is the way God made us, so that through communication with others, we might reach some level of communion in love. We have been made by God out of his infinite love to give love and to receive it in return. When this is not actualized, we become dehumanized... But to all of us there comes the call of God's Spirit of love, inviting us to enter into a higher degree of human consciousness and come to recognize the uniqueness of our own and other's being. At the heart of God is the loving community of the Trinity, for God is love (1 John 4:8). Love is a call to enter fully into oneself through an intimate surrendering of that self to another. In the ecstasy of 'standing outside' of themselves, the three members of the Trinity become availible through the gift of love to live for each other in the Trinity--Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In this way the come to discover themselves as unique, distinct Persons, who are united in passionate self-emptying love. In joyful surrender to one another, the Father and the Son discover their uniqueness in their oneness through the hidden, emptying Spirit of love." [27-28] Abiding in the Indwelling Trinity

Singers of the New Song: A Mystical Interpretation of the Song of Songs
George Maloney, SJ (© 1985 Ave Maria Press)

Back Cover:

Singers of the New Song is George Maloney at his fresh and insightful best. Skillfully blending scripture and church teaching, he has written a book not only about God’s love for us as revealed by Jesus Christ, but one that develops the insight that God wants, needs and passionately desires our love as individuals. Literally a collection of love poems, the famed Song of Songs of the Old Testament has been traditionally interpreted as describing God’s passionate love for humans, individually and collectively. In his beautiful description of the bridal mysticism of the Song of Songs, George Maloney asks if we truly believe that God loves us like that – passionately even unto death – as his revelation tells us. Each verse of the Song becomes a starting point for profitable meditation and prayer destined to further spiritual understanding and growth toward loving service. Maloney prayerfully instructs the reader about the mystical union with Christ brought about through ascetical practices and the development of Christ-like virtues. “This book,” he says, “to aid persons already accustomed to a more contemplative style of prayer, to pray out the biblical Song of Songs.”

Table of Contents:

Prologue: (1:2-4)
First Poem: (1:5 - 2:7)
Second Poem: (2:8 - 3:5)
Third Poem: (3:6 - 5:1)
Fourth Poem: (5:2 - 6:3)
Fifth Poem: (6:4 - 8:4)
Conclusion: (8:5-7)


* Bridal Mysticism
* Speaking of God
* Various Interpretations
* Typology
* A Parable About God’s Love

Prologue: (1:2-4)

* Ardent Longings of the Bride for the Bridegroom
* The Kiss Is the Holy Spirit
* The Beauty of the Spouse
* Without Me You Can Do Nothing
* The Inner Mansions of the King

First Poem: (1:5 - 2:7)

* But Lovely
* Neglect of One’s Inner Life
* Search for the True Shepherd
* Attachments to Consolations
* Praise From the Bridegroom
* Work of the Holy Spirit
* Need of Humility
* Bittersweet Myrrh
* A Suffering Spouse
* The Bride’s Beauty
* Christ the Apple Tree
* The Embrace

Second Poem: (2:8-3:5)

* Come, My Love
* Come Then, My Love
* The Little Foxes
* My Beloved is Mine
* I Shall Arise and Seek Him
* I Sought But Did Not Find Him
* So I Will Rise
* I Found Him Whom My Heart Loves
* The Bridegroom Speaks

Third Poem: (3:6-11)

* King Solomon
* The Approaching Wedding Day
* How Beautiful You Are, My Love
* The Shield of Faith
* Prayer and Sacrifice
* Without Blemish
* Come, My Bride
* Spiritual Combat
* You Ravish My Heart
* The Spell of Love
* The Delirium of Love
* An Enclosed Garden
* Come, Holy Spirit
* His Garden
* Love is Like Honey
* Come to the Wedding Banquet

Fourth Poem: (5:2 – 6:3)

* Knocking at the Door
* What Do You Want Me to Do?
* The Beloved at the Door
* He Is Gone!
* I Sought Him
* The Watchmen Beat Her
* I Am Sick With Love
* His Is the Fullness of Life
* His Head is Purest Gold
* Eyes of Doves
* Radiant Face
* Golden Hands
* His Body – A Temple
* Legs Like Alabaster Columns
* He Is Totally Lovable
* My Beloved, My Friend
* Loveliest of Women
* The Inner Garden
* The Beloved Is Mine

Fifth Poem: (6:4 – 8:4)

* The Fair Bride
* Captivating Eyes
* Increased Perfection
* Unique and Perfect Dove
* My Dove Is Perfect
* She Is Blessed
* Arising Like the Dawn
* Fair as the Moon
* Resplendent as the Sun
* An Army with Banners
* Down to the Nut Orchard
* A Burning Desire
* Come Back, Shulamite
* A Dancing Bride
* Prince’s Daughter
* To Run in the Ways of the Lord
* The Center of the World
* The Bread of Life
* Twin Mountains
* Like an Ivory Tower
* The Eyes of the Soul
* An Attentive Sentinel
* Luxuriant Hair
* A Captive King
* How Beautiful You Are
* My Love, My Delight
* Full Maturity
* Bearing Fruit in Plenty
* A Superior Wine
* Overflowing Wine
* I Am My Beloved’s
* He Desires Me
* Come, My Beloved
* A Night in the Villages
* Going to the Vineyards
* Spring – the Promise of Harvest
* The Gift of Love
* The Fragrance of Mandrakes
* Co-workers With God
* My Brother
* Teach Me
* Intoxicating Wisdom
* The Mystical Marriage
* Do Not Awaken Her

Conclusion: (8:5-7)

* Up From the Desert
* Under the Apple Tree
* New Awakening
* A Seal on God’s Heart
* A Seal on the Arm
* Love – Strong as Death
* A Jealous Love
* A Flash of Fire
* A Flame of Yahweh
* No Flood Can Quench
* The End is the Beginning
* A Life in Christ
* Christ is Everywhere
* The Active Contemplative

The Undreamed Has Happened: God Lives Within Us
George Maloney, SJ (© 2003 University of Scranton Press)

Back Cover:

Everyone understands the meaning of heart. This book encourages readers to look deeply into their hearts. It tries to make familiar that inner world of where God lives and communicates with us. Many persons, who may be dissatisfied with what they feel are the empty rituals and dogmatism of certain Christian churches, have looked to the East for mystery. Exotic eastern customs and new religion gurus, however, may be dangerous for the naïve. It is unfortunate that more Christians are not well acquainted with the authentic Christian tradition of true mysticism. The Fathers of the Eastern Church are penetrated through and through with the mystery of God within us. This book looks to that magnificent Patristic tradition from over the centuries to help us become more familiar with the message of “deification” or “divinization.” It makes a valuable contribution to our understanding of how the theology of divinization can be successfully understood and lived out in our own time.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: A Patristic View
Chapter 2: Made According to God’s Image & Likewise
Chapter 3: Divinization in the New Testament
Chapter 4: The Apostolic & Apologist Fathers
Chapter 5: Ante-Nicene Greek Fathers
Chapter 6: Nicene & Post-Nicene Fathers
Chapter 7: Cyril of Alexandria
Chapter 8: The Psuedo-Dionysius: A Mystical Theology
Chapter 9: The Synthesis of Maximus
Chapter 10: John of Damascus
Chapter 11: Uncreated Energies & Divinization
Chapter 12: Divinization for the Third Millennium


* Lux Ex Oriente
* The Transmission of Divine Revelation
* The History of Deification
* Divinization in the New Testament
* Divinization in the Fathers from the Second through the Fourteenth Centuries
* Uncreated Energies: Gregory Palamas
* Oh God!

A Patristic View

* The Fall
* Lux Ex Oriente
* A Rediscovering of the Patristic View
* Moral Realism
* The Really Real of Jesus Christ: God-Man
* Eastern Christian Mysticism
* Semitic Influences upon Eastern Christianity
* Christian Intellectualism
* Apophatic Theology
* Luminous Darkness
* Presence and Transcendence
* A Living Theology
* Nature and Supernature
* Human Nature
* God’s Uncreated Energies of Love
* The Nature of God’s Uncreated Energies
* We Have Been Made in God’s Image and Likeness
* Christ’s Role of Recapitulation

Made According to God’s Image and Likeness

* Made to be Free

* The Theology of Irenaeus
* Body, Soul and Spirit
* Paradise Lost
* Paradise Regained
* Christ’s Redemptive Actions on Our Behalf
* Nature and Divine Grace

* Clement of Alexandria
* The Logos Is an Instructor & Teacher
* Divinization

* Origen’s Doctrine of Image & Likeness
* A Logos Gnosis
* A Double Creation
* Apokatastasis
* The Role of Christ
* Steps in Divinization
* Need for Human Cooperation
* The Beatific Vision

* St. Athanasius
* The Divine Logos – Image of the Father
* Image & “According to the Image”
* Sin
* Christ the Restorer of Mankind
* Divinization of Human Beings
* The Operations of the Holy Spirit
* The Holy Spirit is the Image of the Logos
* Our Human Cooperation

* Gregory Nazianzen
* Basil
* Gregory Nazianen the Theologian
* Gregory’s Image Doctrine
* Christ Assumes All That Is Saved
* The Breath of the Holy Spirit

* Gregory of Nyssa
* The Basic Goodness of Human Nature
* Christ the Perfect Man
* From Glory to Glory

* Cyril of Alexandria
* Cyril’s Christology
* Cyril’s Doctrine of the Image and Likeness
* We Are Made According to God’s Image: Jesus Christ
* Cyril’s Anthropology
* The Role of Christ
* Sanctification in Christ
* The Holy Spirit – The Perfect Image of the Son
* The Effects of the Divinization Process in Us

* Conclusion
* Need of Theological Caution

Divinization in the New Testament

* A General View of the Meaning of Divinization
* An Unpreached Mystery of Our Faith
* Divinization in the New Testament
* The Radical Message of the New Testament
* The Impact of Pauline Writings
* Growth in Christ
* Key Texts from the Johannine Writings
* Jesus, the Liberator
* The Indwelling Trinity
* Abide in Me as I Abide in You
* Made Participators of God’s Divine Nature

The Apostolic & Apologist Fathers

* The Risen Christ: God’s Final Judgment on History
* Christ-Bearers & God-Bearers
* The Early Apologist Fathers
* The Greek Apologists
* Logos Doctrine of Justin
* Deification

Ante-Nicene Greek Fathers

* Irenaeus: First Great Theologian
* Body, Soul and Spirit Make Up the Matured Person
* Effects of Sin
* Christ’s Role of Recapitulation
* Irenaeus’ Concept of Divinization
* The Divinizing Union
* The Perfect Human Being Always In Process

* Clement of Alexandria
* Divinization
* Human Cooperation to Attain Apatheia
* Description of the Christian Gnostic
* Love: The Greatest of All Virtues

* Origen
* Developing a Logos Mysticism
* The Sanctifying Work of the Holy Spirit
* The Spirit Teaches Us How to Pray Properly
* Divinization in the Final Transformation

Nicene & Post-Nicene Fathers

* Athanasius
* Divinization of Human Beings
* The Operation of the Holy Spirit
* Our Human Cooperation
* The Cappadocian Fathers: Basil, Gregory Nazianzen, Gregory of Nyssa
* Gregory Nazianzen
* Gregory of Nyssa
* Apophatic Theology of Gregory
* The Power of the Sacraments
* God’s Eternal Now
* Divinization Through the Sacraments
* The Divinizing Power of the Eucharist
* Stretching Toward Divine Life
* Degrees of Divinization Among Christians
* Luminous Darkness
* Infinite Darkness

Cyril of Alexandria

* The Role of Jesus Christ
* Christ’s Role as Redeemer
* A Radical Kinship with God in Christ
* Sanctification in Christ
* The Holy Spirit: The Perfect Image of the Son
* The Effects of the Divinization Process in Us
* Conclusion

Pseudo-Dionysius: A Mystical Theology

* Mystical Theology
* Two Ways of Knowing God
* An Assimilation to God
* Agnosia: Knowing God by Unknowing
* Following Moses to Mount Sinai
* Ecstatic Love
* Ekstasis
* Prayer and Divinization
* Dionysius: Orthodox Christian Theologian?
* Union with God through Divinization
* Influence of Dionysius
* Maximus the Confessor

The Synthesis of Maximus

* The Theology of Maximus
* The Mystery of the Incarnation
* The Importance of Christ in God’s Eternal Plan
* Divinization: The Completion of Our Life
* Christology of the Council of Chalcedon
* Divinization and Salvation: The Same
* Divinization of the Human Nature of Christ
* Christ is the Model of Our Divinization
* After the Fall
* The Way to Salvation
* The Cosmic Christ
* Antipodes
* The Work of the Holy Spirit
* Christ’s Church
* Baptism: The Beginning of Restored Divinization
* The Sacrament of the Eucharist
* The Divinizing Power of the Holy Eucharist
* A Logos Mysticism of Maximus
* Seeing the Logoi in All Creatures
* The Three Phases of the Spiritual Life
* Theoria Theologica
* Pure Prayer
* Divinization & Transfiguration of the Cosmos
* Unification of the Cosmos
* Jesus Christ, Our Savior
* Christ: As Human As We Human Beings
* Christ’s Human Nature Divinized by His Divinity
* A New Way of Human Being
* The Sanctifying Work of the Holy Spirit
* The Holy Spirit: The Gift of God’s Love
* Charity: The Supreme Virtue
* God’s Unchanging Goodness
* Divinization: A Stripping Leading to Ecstasy
* The Intimate Ecstasy of God
* Divinization & Ecstasy
* Overview of Maximus’ Doctrine on Divinization
* Uncreated, Loving, Divine Energies
* Made in God’s Image and Likeness
* Nothing Higher and More Perfect Than Love

John of Damascus

* An Echo of Earlier Greek Fathers
* Damascene’s Teaching on Divinization
* Paradise Lost
* Paradise Restored
* An Immediate, Physical Union with Christ
* The Hypostatic Union in Christ
* Perichoresis
* Applying the Theory of Divinization to Human Beings
* Need for Our Cooperation to Imitate Christ
* The Bread of Eternal Life
* Divinization in the Life to Come
* Summary
* Conclusion
* First Ode

Uncreated Energies & Divinization

* St. Gregory Palamas
* Barlaam and Gregory Palamas
* A Higher Knowledge
* Barlaam: The Agnostic
* Super-Knowledge through Faith
* Palamas: A Holistic Theologian
* The Uncreated Energies
* A Higher and Lower Divinity
* Participation in God’s Divine Life
* The Nature of the Divine Energies
* Participation in God’s Energies
* Personalized Energies
* Grace
* The Synergy of Human Cooperation
* Divinization of the Whole Person
* Uncreated Light
* Taboric Light
* Transfiguring Light
* Contemplating God as Indwelling Light
* A True Theologian
* Contributions of Gregory Palamas
* All Matter is Sacred

Divinization for the Third Millennium

* Born to Share God’s Divine Nature
* Mysticism
* See-ers of the Inner World of Reality
* The Indwelling Presence in Us
* Created for Ecstasy
* Chosen for His Glory
* The Fall of Adam: Our Loss of Likeness to the Indwelling Trinity
* Elements of Divinization
* Divinization is Our Human Salvation
* Divinization of Christ’s Human Nature
* The Work of the Holy Spirit as Divinizer
* The Holy Spirit and the Church
* Restored Divinization in Baptism
* Divinization by the Holy Eucharist
* Is Divinization A Hyperbole or A Fact?
* God’s Creative Energies
* Importance of God’s Essence & Energy
* Union with the Holy Trinity
* God Trinity both Inaccessible & Accessible
* All Things Charged with God’s Love
* Love’s Paradox
* Pure Prayer
* Living a Holistic Spirituality
* Diaphanous Matter
* Human Energies of Love
* Various Approaches to God’s Communion with Us Human Beings
* Roman Catholic Theologians
* Modern Protestant Theologians
* How Divinization Impacts Our Humanity
* Expressing God-Trinity by Metaphors
* Transfiguration and Transformation
* A Cosmic Transfiguration
* God is Transforming Light
* Christ as Indwelling Light
* Loved Infinitely by God, Trinity
* Spiritual Senses
* All Is Loved in God
* God: The Center of All Being
* Christ in All & All in Christ
* Not Where I Breathe Do I Live but Where I Love
* A Cosmic Liturgy
* The Presence of the Trinity in All
* Faith, Hope and Love are the Greatest
* Conclusion


The Mystery of Christ In You: The Mystical Vision of St. Paul
George Maloney, SJ (© 1998 Society of Saint Paul)

Back Cover:

There was something about the Mystery of God’s Wisdom, a wisdom which was secret and hidden but which God had ordained from time immemorial for our glory and finally revealed in Christ, that intrigued and fascinated Paul. He was so thrilled by the insights which came to him the more he contemplated the mystery that he could not wait to share the good news with the world. In Christ, through his Holy Spirit and the gracious gift of God the Father, we are to share in the divine life of the Trinity and live with God forever. That life begins here and now as we live in union with the risen Lord and seek to accomplish his works with the help of the Holy Spirit: God’s gift of love. We along with all the baptized, with Christ as the head, are members of the Mystical Body of Christ, the Church, on earth and share in its mission to reestablish all things in Christ. There is a cosmic and an eschatological dimension to the mystery which Paul also considered at some depth in his epistles. All of these matters are dealt with at length by Father Maloney in this timely new work as many, on the cusp of the third millennium, seek answers to the purpose of life and the ultimate goal of the universe.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Living in the Mystery
Chapter 2: Living “In Christ”
Chapter 3: Union with Christ
Chapter 4: Christian Living in Christ
Chapter 5: The Holy Spirit, Gift of God’s Love
Chapter 6: The Body of Christ: The Church
Chapter 7: St. Paul the Mystic
Chapter 8: The End of the World


* In Christ
* Paul’s Mystical Vision
* Paul’s Understanding of Mysticism
* The End Times
* Our Lives Are Hidden in Mystery

Living In The Mystery

* Meaning of the Word, “Mysticism”
* Paul’s Mystical Realism
* Paul’s Use of the Word, “Mysterion”
* Elements Comprising Paul’s Mysterion
* The Revelation of the Mystery
* The Mystery Now Revealed through the Church
* Letter to the Colossians
* Message to the Ephesians
* The Work of Christ
* The Work of the Holy Spirit
* The Mystery of the Church, The Body of Christ
* Recapitulation in Christ
* Knowledge of the Heart
* Epignosis
* True Christian Wisdom

Living “In Christ”

* Christ: The Center for Christians
* Dynamic Growth in Christ
* Meaning of the Phrase, In Christ
* Mystical Realism of Being in Christ
* Christ Living in Us
* Putting on Christ
* Growth in Christ
* Already and Not Yet

Union With Christ

* God’s Constant and Perfect Love for Us
* The Flesh and Body in the New Testament
* Christ the Redeemer
* The Resurrection and Union with Christ
* The Centrality of Christ’s Resurrection
* To Know Christ and the Power of His Resurrection
* A Growth Process that Knows No End
* Living in a New Time
* A New Presence
* The Victory of the Risen Lord
* The Saving Power of the Holy Spirit
* Union with the Father through the Spirit and Son
* Christ Sits at the Right Hand of the Father
* Summary of Our Union with Christ

Christian Living In Christ

* The Role of Christian Baptism
* The Coming of the Holy Spirit
* Justification
* Faith is Infused in Baptism
* Sanctification
* The Christian Life of Tension
* Spiritual Combat
* Mortification
* Growth in Christian Freedom
* The Infused Gift of Hope
* Agape
* God Is Love

The Holy Spirit, Gift of God’s Love

* The Distinction of the Persons of Christ and the Holy Spirit
* The Flesh and the Spirit
* The Father Gives Himself to Us Through His Spirit
* Christ Also Sends Us His Spirit
* The Spirit Makes Christ Present to Us
* The Spirit of Holiness
* Grace and the Working of the Holy Spirit
* Created and Uncreated Grace
* Created Graces
* The Dynamism of Grace
* Spirit Discernment
* Praying in the Spirit
* The Charismata of the Holy Spirit
* The Spirit: The Soul of the Mystical Body
* The Holy Spirit and Resurrection
* To Build a Community

The Body of Christ: The Church

* An Ecclesial Christology
* You Are Christ’s Body
* Various Pauline Meanings of Church
* The Body of Christ
* Various Meanings of the Word “Body”
* Christ, The Head of the Body-Church
* Building Up the Body of Christ
* Human Cooperation to Build Up the Church
* Growth in Christ
* The Church: Christ’s Bride
* The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church

St. Paul the Mystic

* Paul’s Use of “Mysterion”
* Revelation of the Mystery
* Knowledge of the Mystery
* Paul’s Preaching of the Mystery
* Mystical Experiences Tied to Ministry
* The Primacy of Love
* Apparition of Christ to Paul on the Way to Damascus
* Other Visions and Revelations of the Lord
* Meeting God in Paul’s Dreams
* Guided by the Inspirations of the Spirit

The End of the World

* The Cosmic Christ
* The Fullness or “Pleroma”
* “Parousia” or the Second Coming of Christ
* The Event of the Parousia
* The Resurrection of the Dead
* Characteristics of the Resurrected Body
* The Last Judgment and Retribution
* Transformation of the Universe
* Transmission of the Kingdom to the Father
* God Is All In All


Abiding In The Indwelling Trinity
George Maloney, SJ (© 2004 Paulist Press)

Back Cover:

Christianity was meant by Jesus to be a living experience of being in the Trinitarian community – of being loved infinitely by the Father, in his Son Jesus Christ, through his Holy Spirit. In the earliest centuries of Christianity, theologians – especially in the East – thought, taught, and believed mystically about the indwelling Trinity that lived with and transformed Christians into divinized children of God. The East still offers a rich model of participating in God’s presence and experiencing the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit. Fr. Maloney approaches this mystery of the Trinity as a dynamic movement of God toward us through his two hands: in the words of St. Irenaeus, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. By drawing insights from holy scriptures, the Eastern Fathers, and mystics of all ages, Abiding in the Indwelling Trinity offers an intriguing vision of God as invading Love.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Call to Mysticism
Chapter 2: The Community of Divine Love
Chapter 3: The Father Begets His Son
Chapter 4: The Holy Spirit in the Trinity
Chapter 5: The Mystery of the Incarnation
Chapter 6: God’s Exploding Love
Chapter 7: I Am the Vine – You Are the Branches
Chapter 8: I Am Crucified with Christ
Chapter 9: The Eucharist and the Holy Trinity
Chapter 10: May Your Joy Be Full
Chapter 11: How to Live in the Indwelling Trinity
Chapter 12: Heaven Bound

Call to Mysticism

* Self-Fulfillment
* Made by God for God
* Thirst for God
* My Flesh Longs for You
* Prayer: Key to Transcendence
* What Is Mysticism?
* Decline of Inner Experience
* God Is Love by Nature
* Taste and See the Sweetness of the Lord
* A Christian Mysticism
* An Indwelling Presence

The Community of Divine Love

* Language of the Heart
* Create Silence
* The Trinitarian Community of Love
* An Apophatic Approach Is Needed
* Experiencing the Indwelling Trinity
* The Richness of the Godhead
* At the Oak of Mambre
* The Godhead Is “Unnatured Nature”
* God Is Not an Object
* The I Is the Child of the We
* Silence within the Trinity
* We Are Made in the Image and Likeness of God
* An Implosion of Love
* The Divine Economy
* God Is the Giver and the Gift
* We Are Called by God to Share Divine Life

The Father Begets His Son

* The Inner Desire in Us for Love
* Do We Believe in the True Trinity?
* Basic Traits of a True, Loving Community
* Richard of St. Victor (d. 1173)
* No One Has Ever Seen God and Lived
* God Manifests Himself to Us through His Word
* The Only Son of God, Of One Substance with the Father
* The Spirit of God
* The Holy Spirit Unites the Father and the Son
* An Unchanging Movement

The Holy Spirit in the Trinity

* Who Is the Holy Spirit?
* A God Separated from His Creation
* The Trinity Relates to the World
* The Holy Spirit Unveils to Us the Trinity’s Loving Activities in the Cosmos
* Stress on Interpersonal Relations
* An I-Thou-We-Community
* The Personalized Act of Love: The Holy Spirit
* The Filioque Controversy
* The Spirit of Unity and Distinction

The Mystery of the Incarnation

* The First Man and Woman
* The Meaning of Human Sin
* We Created an Unreal World in Our Minds
* …And the Word Became Flesh
* Importance of the Incarnation for Us
* Jesus Christ: The Pontifex Maximus
* All Creatures Are Created In and For the Logos
* Theosis: Sharers of God’s Nature
* The End of Our Earthly Life
* God Allures Us to Share in the Divine Nature by Christ’s Humanity
* The Gift of Divinization Is Only from God
* We Are Saved Through the Death of Christ
* Jesus Is the Image of the Unseen God
* The Role of the Holy Spirit
* The Spirit Is Personified Holiness Reflecting the Essence of Divine Love
* We Share God’s Eternal Life through the Gift of the Holy Spirit
* Entering into the Kingdom of God
* Submission to the Holy Spirit
* The Completion of the Father’s Eternal Plan of Salvation

God’s Exploding Love

* The Unapproachable One
* The Forthgoing of God
* Mystical Union
* Knowledge in a God-Fitting Manner
* The Nature of the Divine Energies
* The Face of God
* God’s Uncreated Energies: God for Us
* Human Participation in God’s Energies
* The Basis of All Christian Mysticism
* Sharing God’s Own Divine Nature
* Personalized Energies
* Divine Grace
* The Mystery of Our Cooperation
* Knowing God in His Energies
* Is Grace Solely a Created Gift?
* Grounded upon Scripture and the Early Church Fathers
* Contributions of Orthodox Theology
* A Holistic Spirituality
* Spiritualization of the Universe
* Profit for Eastern Theologians
* Words of St. Gregory of Nyssa

I Am the Vine – You Are the Branches

* Building a Loving Community
* Vine/Vineyard History in Scripture
* Jesus: The True Vine
* The Father Prunes Us Out of Love for Us
* Hearing God’s Word Must Bring Forth Fruit
* Our Union with Christ Is an Act of God
* A Symbiotic Union
* A Vine Needs Branches
* Abide in Me As I Abide in You
* Characteristics of True Love
* The Incredibly Good News
* Living Consciously in Christ
* Entering into Deep Prayer
* For Me He Dies
* God-Trinity Dwelling Within Us
* The Fullness of God’s Love
* Out of Love Christ Dies for Us
* The Transforming Love of the Trinity

I Am Crucified with Christ

* Paradox of True Life
* I Live Now, Not I, But Christ Lives in Me
* Crucifixion Means Death
* Abiding in the Wounds of Christ
* Love Unto the End
* Bringing Fire to the Earth
* The Definitive Word of Love
* Eternal, Divine Love
* Nonbeing
* Law of Inner Growth
* Elan Toward New Life
* Intermeshed in Humanity
* Interdependence on Others
* The Innermost True Self
* God’s Healing Love
* Free Children of God
* Lost But Now Found

The Eucharist and the Holy Trinity

* God’s Loving Gift to Us
* The Importance of the Mystery of the Incarnation
* The Church
* Offerers of Christ and of Ourselves to God
* The Eucharist: Peak of Trinitarian Love
* The Goal of the Incarnation Is Eucharist
* The Depths of the Trinity’s Love for Us
* Incorporated into Christ
* Union with the Blessed Trinity
* The Fruit of the Eucharist
* Receiving Also the Trinity
* A Temple of the Holy Spirit
* Union with Each Other
* In the Eucharist Christ’s Members Are United
* Transformation by the Holy Spirit
* The Trinity Is Present in All of Creation
* Called to Be Eucharistic Ministers
* All Is Now Sacred
* New Eyes to See the Holy Trinity Everywhere
* The Trinity Is Actively Involved in the World

May Your Joy Be Full

* As Gold Is Purified by Fire
* Absolute Surrender
* Dancing in Synchronicity with the Trinity
* A Spiritual Happening of Twenty-four Hours
* Dead to God’s Harmony
* Christ’s Promises to Give Us His Joy
* Chosen by God-Trinity
* Your Sorrow Will Turn to Joy
* Jesus Promises to Share His Joy with Us
* In Jesus We Place All Our Trust
* God Loves Us Because He Wills to Do So
* The Weakness of Our Hope
* The Valley of Our Nothingness
* Whoever Abides in Christ Does Not Sin
* Sold as a Slave to Sin
* Have Mercy on Me, a Sinner
* Abide in Me As I Abide in You
* A Divine Friend Dwells within You

How to Live in the Indwelling Trinity

* Animus vs. Anima
* An Exhausted Spirituality
* The Transcendent and Immanent God
* Faith, But Not Living It Out
* Reality Is God Dwelling within Us
* The Indwelling Doctrine of God in Us: Myth, Metaphor, or Reality?
* St. Ignatius, Martyr
* Influenced by St. John and St. Paul
* Living Out the Revealed Truth of Christ’s Indwelling Presence
* Christ Dwelling within Us
* Paul as a Midwife
* Jesus Lives in Us by the Power of the Holy Spirit
* Abide in Me As I Abide in You
* The Entire Trinity Dwells within Us
* The Personalized Love of the Trinity
* Each Person of the Trinity Is Unique
* How Does the Triune God Dwell in Us?
* The Mystery of the Circumincession
* A Knowledge Beyond All Understanding
* What Can We Do to Live in the Holy Trinity
* We Need to Cooperate with God’s Will
* Be Still and Know I Am Your God
* Resting in God’s Word
* Our Cooperation through Asceticism
* Why Are There So Few True Contemplatives?
* We Can Do Nothing Without Christ
* Luminous Darkness
* Climbing the Mountain
* Doing All Things for God’s Greater Glory
* Living in the Light of Christ
* Praying Unceasingly
* Moving Toward Center
* Remembering the Indwelling Christ
* Are You Called to Such a Practice?
* Jesus Wishes to Live His Virtues in Us
* Avoid Any Self-Centering
* A Heteronomous Spirituality
* An Autonomous Spirituality
* A Theonomous Spirituality
* The Mysticism of St. Paul
* Putting on a New Life
* Absolute Surrender
* Building Up of the Body of Christ: The Church
* Summary of Our Intimate Union with Christ
* A Renewal of Our Mind and Spirit
* Union with Christ Is Never a Static Relationship
* The Process of Deification
* A Burning Zeal to Share Christ with Others
* Christ: The Alpha and the Omega
* God’s Gardeners
* Transcending Action
* The Total Christ
* Do All for the Greater Glory of God
* Christ Is Being Formed in Us
* Conclusion
* We Are Called to Be God’s Cooperators
* Steps Toward Recollection

Heaven Bound

* The Theology of Eschatology
* The Second Coming of Christ
* The Final End of God’s Creation
* A Harmony Among All God’s Creatures
* The End of the World
* The Entire Cosmos Is Linked to Christ
* Final Judgment
* Final Glory
* Heaven Is the Union of the Body of Christ
* Love Ever Grows
* Heaven Is Not an Old Folks’ Home
* Living in the Mystery of Love
* Eye Has Not Seen
* I Believe in Hell and Purgatory
* God Has Created Us to Share the Holy Trinity
* We Shall Be in Christ
* Interpersonal Relationships Always Growing
* A Continued Growth in Love of God and Neighbor
* Continued Growth in Freedom
* Love Will Grow As We Seek to Serve Others
* Loving Service to Others
* Spiritualization of God’s Creation
* No Strangers in Heaven
* Developing Our Talents and Sharing Them
* Heaven: A New Beginning of True Life
* The Cosmic Christ
* A Transfigured Creation
* Conclusion

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