Note: these excerpt threads are subject to continual revision and updating as opportunity and priority permits

Rick Joyner: "AS STATED, EVEN THOUGH ISRAEL WAS A SINGLE NATION, it was composed of different tribes, each with different callings and functions in the overall plan of God. One important lesson Israel had to learn in the wilderness was how the different tribes were to march together and function in unity. The same is true of the body of Christ; the church is meant to be made up of different 'streams' or 'spiritual tribes.' However, we will not enter the Promised Land until we have learned to march and function together as a single spiritual nation... In the Lord's eyes there is only one church or body of believers. When we begin to see by the Spirit, we will see only one church. When we begin to see by the Spirit, we will see only one Church. Every believer in Jesus is a member of the same eternal family with the same Father... The only identity given to the biblical church was a geographical identity. Each church was named after the city in which it was located. There was the church at Corinth, the church at Rome, the church at Jerusalem, the church at Ephesus, the church at Smyrna, etc. Never did the Lord recognize a church according to any characteristic other than its location... | True spiritual unity is based on unity of function, purpose, and love for one another, and not just on agreement about every doctrine. The tribes of Israel were commanded to be in unity in only two basic areas: worship and warfare. They were to worship Jehovah only in the place where He chose to dwell, and if one of the tribes was attacked, they were all to respond as a single nation. In all other areas there could be diversity..." [135-138|140] The JOURNEY Begins

ICXC: "You never have to leave this Garden. This Garden is in your heart because the Creator Himself is within you. You have desired the best part, to worship and sit in His presence forever, and it will never be taken from you. But you must take it from here to where it is needed most... You have tasted of the heavenly realm... Now that you have the heart of a true worshipper, you will always want to be here, and you can, whenever you enter into true worship. The more focused you are on Him, the more glory you will see... You are dreaming, but this dream is more real than what you think of as real. The Father gave men dreams to help them see the door to His dwelling place. He will only dwell in men's hearts, and dreams can be a door to your heart... | You were there, indeed. It has not become more real, but you have. Just as the Lord told the thief on the cross ... you can enter Paradise at anytime. The Lord, His Paradise, and this mountain are all abiding in you, because He is in you. What were but foretastes are now a reality to you because you have climbed the mountain. The reason you can see me and others cannot, is not because I have entered your realm, but because you have entered mine. This is the reality that the prophets knew which gave them great boldness even when they stood alone against armies. The saw the heavenly host that was for them, not just the earthly one arrayed against them." [48-50|56] THE FINAL QUEST

"That is the difference between the Old Covenant and the New. You will write My words in a book, and they will inspire My people. Even so, the true power of My words can only be seen when they are written in the hearts of My people. Living epistles are more powerful than letters written on paper or stone. Because you are not writing Scripture, the words you write will have you in them. Even so, your books will be as I desire them to be because I prepared you for this task. They will not be perfect, because perfection will not come to the earth until I come. For perfection, men will have to look to Me. Even so, My people are the book that I am writing, and the wise can see Me in My people and in their works... The life of every person is in My book, and their life is a book that will be read by all of creation for all eternity. The history of the world is the library of God's wisdom... This is the new creation that is greater than the first creation. Through My new creation, We are making a new Paradise that is greater than the first Paradise. Every man, woman, and child that embraces My redemption is a book that I am writing which will be read forever. Through the new creation, We will also restore the former creation, and it will be a Paradise again. I will restore all things... My church is the book that I am writing, and the whole world is about to read it. Until now, the world has wanted to read the book that the evil one has written about My church, but soon I will release My book... You have known in your heart for many years that these are coming. I have brought you here to show you how to recognize them and how to help them on their way." [63-66] THE CALL

"These are the ones who helped to prepare you for your purpose. You have received from their teachings or from their stories. They are your witnesses. You are representing them as you are Me, just as those you have a part in preparing will also represent you. We are all one in the great purpose of the Father... You will join them soon enough, but you have work to do first. They are not complete without you. Neither are you complete without them. This is also true of those who are called through you and the messengers in your time. Their words will help to keep you on the path that has been chosen for you. You can also give their words to others to keep them on their path. All of those who have life have come from Me... This is your covering... It will cover you and your mission. Only here can you see it as you do now. In the realm of earth it looks very different. On earth it is very humble. This is what protects your heart and the heart of your mission. As long as you wear this, you will walk in My grace and authority... This oil of unity is the anointing... What I have given to you, I give to all of My people. I pour My anointing on each one to cleanse their minds. However, where you must walk on the earth there is much dust and dirt, which will be thrown at you every day. You must learn to come to Me to be cleansed again whenever your mind has been soiled. As you do this often, you will not be able to stand any of the filth in this world in your mind, but will love the purity and clear vision which comes only by this anointing of the Holy Spirit. Holiness is the nature of heaven, and it must be your devotion. True holiness is true love. True love cannot come without true holiness, and true holiness always causes you to love, not condemn. You can come to Me as often as you want for this oil. As you wear it and touch others, they, too, will want to be clean." [149-152] THE TORCH AND THE SWORD

"All who truly desire to serve God must do what you did. They must choose not to hide, but to come out into the light of My Father's presence... No man can come to Me unless the Father helps them. No amount of human persuasion can release a man from the great bondage that shame has on his heart. This is why you must come to know the Holy Spirit, whom My Father will send to testify of Me to all He is calling back to Himself... | When you see darkness in your own heart, do not try to hide it. If you will not hide, you will always be set free... Do not run from Me, but to Me. I will never be surprised or shocked by what is in your heart... What I am saying to you now will become increasingly more clear as we walk together... When you feel exposed, do not hide, but come to Me. The more that you learn you can trust Me, the more you will be willing to be exposed to My light... True faith begins by coming out of hiding to be exposed to the light. True faith is to be willing to be naked, exposed, and vulnerable, knowing that I have not come to hurt you, but to help you. Faith in My intentions, and My power to help, is the most powerful force in the creation. You will learn this. It is more powerful than the pride of men or devils, and it will crush their strongholds over men..." [126-127|134-137] When GOD Walked the EARTH

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