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J. Daniel Gunther: "The appearance of the New Aeon was foretold by the seers and prophets of the patriarchal Aeon. Their written accounts, although corrupt and untrustworthy for any historical analysis, still give evidence of the terror with which they viewed the event. The prophecies of Daniel speak of a day when one would come who would cause the abomination that maketh desolate. Jesus made reference to this prophecy in the Olivet Discourse as a confirming sign of the beginning of sorrows and the end of the world... The biblical prophets of the old time proclaimed that they beheld the end of days, and in this they were partially correct. They had the vision of the end of their own time -- when the sacrifice would indeed be removed from the Temple, when sacrifice would be declared abrogate and the oblation cease. Jehovah's demand for bloody sacrifices, whether real or imaginary, are abhorrent to any rational mind. Children in Sunday school are left to wonder whether Isaac's father would have slit his throat for the sake of Jehovah had an unfortunate ram not snagged its horns in a nearby thicket. It is a weak argument that Abraham's son was a type of Christ in a long procession of symbolic lambs that presage the slaughter at Golgotha. It is better to remember that this is the same God that waited at the inn for Moses so that he might kill him; a God that so delighted in spilling the blood of the first-born that he murdered his own. The sacrificial lamb slain for Jehovah in the Temple of Jerusalem, the lamb's blood of the first Passover, the crucifixion of Jesus the lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world, are all extensions of the same idea and rooted in the doctrine of Vicarious Atonement... At last, the Temple of Man has been cleansed of the Bloody Sacrifice. The Temple of the slave gods is desolate, for their God has been dethroned. There is a far deeper meaning of the Abomination of Desolation that is understood by Initiates..." [29-31] Initiation in the Aeon of the Child

"We have ample evidence in the world today of the God of one person or group being the Devil of another. Through 2,000 years of history, marked by persistent doctrinal deviation and corrupion, Christianity has putrefied to the point where the object of worship is completely unknown. Christians have failed to heed the warnings of their own scriptures ... Herein is a great mystery that reveals the true character of modern Christianity, casting the light of truth into the dark corners of its heart. It is a mystery which we declare, but one to which Christians are oblivious, blindly following the true shepherd of their flock: And Satan is worshipped by men under the name of Jesus... In the Vision and the Voice, there is a striking account of the vision of Atu X, the Wheel, the wheel of samsara. The Wheel is rimmed by an emerald snake, a form of the Uroboros, emblematic of eternity. Three animals sit upon the wheel: a raven, a wolf, and a lamb. The lamb sits at the top of the wheel, in the figure of the Agnus Dei, the familiar Christian emblem of the lamb and Flag..." [173-174]  Initiation in the Aeon of the Child

"Introversion means to turn within or turn inward. In common usage it is used to denote people concentrating their interests upon themselves, or personality types not given to forms of outward expressionism. Here, it is used to denote an inwardly composed and stuctured epoch in which the symbolism of the feminine is the framework wherein ontological theorems are expressed and interpreted. The Aeon of Isis was prototypical of Introversion. The Great Mother created all things, dominated all creation, and in the end, all returned to the enveloping womb. In the dawn of spirituality for humankind, the great goddess, under a variety of names and aspects, reigned over the psyche. After a normal span of growth, a baby finds the shelter of the womb constricting, and in the struggle of birth is separated from the mother, yet still dependent upon her for nourishment, protection and care. To the newly-born infant, the Mother is the center around which all life evolves. Though now differentiated physically from the Mother, the infant is still dependent upon her for food, comfort and love. During this phase of psychic development, the Imago Dei was that of the Mother, and the relationship to the Mother Gods mirrored that of a post-nascent infant. The Mother reigned supreme over all the earth and sky. The mysteries of conception, birth, and death were all the domain of the Great Mother. All things sprang from her womb and all things upon death returned to the earth of which she was likewise the avatar... The epoch of Extraversion is that of the Aeon of Osiris and the emergence of the dominant Patriarchal Gods... A developing child will soon affect a Seperatio from the Mother in order to begin to formulate independence. In like manner, the gods of the Patriarchal period emerged from under the shadow of the Mother's dominance and asserted themselves, subjugating the role of the Mother to the supportive role. As could be expected from an extraverted perspective, the Patriarchal period was characterized by outward expansion of cultures, development of agriculture, advancement of art, writing, philosophy, and more sophisticated and lethal weaponry... The Aeon of Osiris usurped the Aeon of Isis, and we may safely assume it was not met with open arms, hugs and kisses. In like manner, the Aeon of Horus comes now as the stranger to the camp of the ruling Father, the heretic to the priesthood, and the revolutionary to existing social mores... The advent of the New Aeon initiated a new period in human development which is a theoretical and practical Sythesis of its precursors. Encompassing characteristics of both the Introverted and Extroverted Aeons, like a child inheriting traits of Mother and Father, the Aeon of Horus formulates a third period which is establishing a unique point of view independent of its predecessors. The viewpoint of this tertiary stage is definitively Centroverted. Comprised of both Introverted and Extraverted aspects, the Centroverted Aeon proposes a condition which distills the essence of its inheritance and establishes a unique, individual perspective that surpasses the inheritance in all its forms. An essential symbolic aspect of the Centroverted Aeon is that this child is neither male nor female. The Child Horus is hermaphroditic..." [165-168] Initiation in the Aeon of the Child

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