Note: these excerpt threads are subject to continual revision and updating as opportunity and priority permits

Gregg Braden: "There's a central belief that guides our lives, and it does so in ways that we may not even be aware of or think about. The reason why this belief can have so much power without our even knowing it exists is that it's unconscious. That's right -- running on automatic pilot as an instinctive program in the back of our minds at this very moment is a core belief that's so powerful that it is been the template against which all others of our lives have been compared. As diverse as your life has been, and as varied as all of your experiences appear, there's nothing that's happened that wasn't shaped through the eyes of this single belief. Without exception, all of your love and each of your fears; all of the chances in life that you've had the confidence to take and all of the ones that you were afraid to because you might fail; the health, vitality, and youth of your body; the way you age; and the success or failure of every relationship that you'll ever have with another person, yourself, your world, and the entire universe ... all of these things, and more, boil down to what you claim in a single belief. You can discover what that belief is for yourself by answering a single question -- the Great Question -- below. The way that you do so reveals the truth of a powerful subconcious belief that lies at the heart of your existence. The question is this: Do you believe that there is one source for everything that happens in the world, or do you believe that there are two opposite and opposing forces -- good and evil -- one that 'likes' you and one that doesn't?" That's it! It's brief. But please don't be deceived by the simplicity of these few words. They're powerful, and profound. This is the one question that we must answer at some point in our lives. And it is, perhaps, about the biggest relationship that we'll ever be asked to come to terms with..." [116] The SPONTANEOUS HEALING of BELIEF

"As the ancient spiritual traditions suggest, the invisible walls of our deepest beliefs can become our greatest prison. Yet they also remind us that it's our beliefs that can become our greatest source of freedom. As different as the world's wisdom traditions may be from one another, they all bring us to the same conclusion: The opportunity to be imprisoned or free is ours, and we're the only ones who can make the choice... | Both ancient tradition and modern science suggest that what we see as the visible relationships of 'life' are nothing more and nothing less than the reflection of things that are happening in another realm, a place that we can't perceive from our vantage point in the universe... While we may not be able to see directly into this invisible realm, we do have some indication of what's happening there because we see its reflection in our everyday lives... | Because the Divine Matrix constantly reflects our beliefs, feelings, and emotions through the events of our lives, the everyday world provides insights about the deepest realms of our hidden selves. In our personal mirrors, we're shown our truest convictions, loves, and fears. The world is a powerful (and often literal) mirror, one that isn't always easy to face. With complete honesty, life gives us a direct window into the ultimate reality of our beliefs..." [114|141|149] The Divine Matrix

"Coupled with the knowledge of feeling-based prayer, this modern/ancient wisdom shows us what we can do to make things better. If the world and our bodies are reflecting our thoughts, feelings, emotions, and beliefs, then with record numbers of broken homes, failed relationships, job losses, and threats of war at present, how we feel about our world takes on an importance greater than ever before. It's clear that for the mirror of our world to reflect positive, life-affirming, and lasting change, we must give the mirror something to work with. This is the subtle yet powerful relationship between the language of prayer and the Mind of God that unites all of creation. Rather than attempting to make the world bend to our wishes, feeling-based prayer changes us... | Rather than being the prayer itself, could the words that remain today be the formula that someone else designed long ago to create the feeling of the prayer within us. If so, then the implications are vast. We are always feeling in each moment of every day of our lives. While we may not always be aware of just what we're feeling, we are feeling nonetheless. If feeling is the prayer and we're always feeling, then that means we're always in a state of prayer. Each moment is a prayer. Life is a prayer! We're always sending a message to the mirror of creation, signaling healing or disease, peace or war, honoring or dishonoring our relationships with those we love. 'Life' is the Mind of God sending back to us what we feel--what we've prayed... | The foundation of everything that we're saying here is that the words of prayers themselves are not the prayers. While the words may be beautiful, ancient, and time-honored relics, they're simply the catalysts to unleash a force. And the force is within you! You is the operative word here. Just as the code in a computer sets a series of events into motion, our words trigger feeling in our bodies. But neither the code nor the words have any power until they're given meaning. For the code, it's the computer's operating system. For our words, it's our feelings. Prayers are personal..." [34|162|180] SECRETS of the LOST MODE of PRAYER

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