Note: the grammar and syntax is not great, but adequate for web consumption after some minor revisions.

This was written in late 1999 shortly before I got married. My soon-to-be mother-in-law was a conservative evangelical Christian that followed the Christian Research Institute, Hank Hanagraaf, and other cult-watch groups, which created a lot of tension between us given that I had strong sympathies for various revival-renewal oriented movements. So, I wrote an apology to address some of those concerns, as well as to better understand where I stood at that point in my theological thinking. While most of this is really outdated today, it does offer a look into the state of mind from which I pursued spiritual interests during my teenage and early adult years ~ 1992-2003.

My limited defense of the charismatic, pentecostal, and faith movements.

Why am I doing this? Why can’t I believe what I see before my eyes: hundreds of well intentioned Christian testimonies of corruption and deception within these various Christian circles which they call sects and cults?

I mean: I see the testimonies. I know that they are genuine in what they say. I know that some of what they are saying is probably true in their own lives. When I listen to them attack these movements of G-d, I do hear their evidence and reasoning for believing that it is of satan, and much of what they have said has really opened my eyes to the necessity of not trusting these men-of-god simply because I happen to like them or their ministries.

For instance, I like Benny Hinn but I now know and realize that I have really got to watch closely what he is teaching and seek the truth from G-d. If it had not been for these dear brothers and sisters pointing out certain things, I might have found myself being deceived by people. I am thus very thankful that they are watching these men-of-god to make sure that they are teaching the truth. I will continue searching for the truth throughout the rest of my Christian walk with G-d no matter if it does mean that I have to renounce my faith in or the credibility of any impaticular ministry. By that, I mean that I will not support a corrupted ministry no matter how much I want to.

For now, my objective is not to defend Benny Hinn, Howard Browne, or any other man-of-god. Instead, my objective is to defend the faith and explain how Hank and other heresy hunters are very, very, very wrong for denouncing it as satan’s work and denying our brotherhood in Christ. I will thus defend my brothers and sisters for their faith in Christ Jesus according to the way they serve G-d. I will do my best to give an idea of what it is to serve G-d from our viewpoint along with supportive scriptures. More importantly, I will prove that we are not serving satan or his demons by believing and serving the way we do, when in all reality, it is the complete opposite.

Even so, I am not seeking to convert anyone into our faith, as I am just seeking acceptance from those that disagree with us. Even if they do not accept my faith in Christ Jesus, I have his acceptance and justification.

Why they have no right to say that we are of the devil or give credit to satan for the spiritual manifestations which take place inside various charismatic, pentecostal, and faith circles.

This is the thing that bothers me and my brethren the most. It really bothers us to hear our fellow Christian brothers and sisters call us a demonic cult. It does not make us happy to hear others tell us that we have aligned ourselves up with our devout enemy-adversary. It also hurts our feelings that our own brethren openly declare how gullible and easily fooled we are. We have been under attack ever since and long before the Azusa street revival took off in the early 1900s. It brings great discomfort and painful feelings of abandonment to us. We do not nevertheless need their acceptance to feel justified for our beliefs. We allow the W-rd of G-d to be our justification for our beliefs the same way that our critics do. The only difference is whom we choose to believe: Man or G-d. We trust G-d. I’ll go into that later when I start preaching on the scripture that G-d gave me for this defense. It will be based off of Numbers 14 and Joshua 24:14-18 and shall be titled: whose report will you believe? For now, however, I will simply prove that we are in fact true Christians and not a satanic cult that some would have you to believe.

Mark 9:38-50
- The disciples of Christ became worried when they noticed that other believers were following Christ and performing miracles in Christ’s name, so they come up and made an inquiry to Christ concerning this. Christ then told them not to forbid what they were doing because: if they are not against him, then they are for him. He then goes on to explain how it would be better to cut off a part of the body that causes one to sin rather than to leave it in tact so that it could defile one's entire body and soul.

Romans 10:1-18 - After the Apostle Paul spoke concerning the blindness of Israel concerning Christ and where G-d’s plan stood concerning them, in chapter 9, he then proceeded to explain where our salvation comes from. Paul declares that if we confess with our mouth and believe in our heart that Christ Jesus is L-rd and was raised from the dead, we will be saved, as we will not be put to shame for our faith in Christ Jesus.

We charismatic Christians confess and believe all this and so much more concerning the divinity and humanity of Christ Jesus. We understand who he is and why he came. The work of Christ Jesus on the cross of Calvary is the most essential thing that we believe in as Christians. This is the foundation of our theology because nothing else can happen until a Christian accepts what Christ did at the cross. Nothing: no salvation, no redemption, no repentance, no reconciliation, and no transformation of the mind, will, and spirit. Nothing can happen without first going to the cross where Jesus paid the most ultimate price that anyone could pay.

John 10:24-33 - Among the obvious message that these scriptures give, it clearly teaches that the enemy can not snatch believers away from Christ. This is really important to understand considering the fact that we charismatics are accused of being deceived Christians. If a person knows that a certain believer is a true born-again Christian which later attends a charismatic meeting and then embraces the end-time revival, he is to now be labeled by those outside the movement as being a deceived Christian that is serving the enemy and on the broad road to hell?

This sentiment from those outside the movement is in direct violation of scriptures in many places and this happens to be one of those. How dare they say that we have been snatched away from Christ, when in reality we are following Christ according to the way that he is presented in the bible and not in some other book somewhere.

Think about it: one moment the believer is a true Christian. Seconds later, he is a deceived demon-possessed non-believer which is on his way to hell simply because you view Christianity this way. Now, multiply that by thousands and thousands of Christians every week and you began to see that this just doesn’t add up. These believers haven’t been snatched out of the hands of Jesus, as they have been snatched into his hands and have fallen in love with him. Anyways, that is another conclusive proof that these are true Christians.

Matthew 18:12-20 - Here Jesus says that if we gather together in his name, he is indeed in the midst of us. In true charismatic and pentecostal circles, Christ is the center of everything that is going on. Yes, we do emphasize a lot concerning the Holy Spirit. Christ Jesus, nevertheless, is the center of our worship. As we worship and exalt Christ, we also exalt the Father and Holy Spirit. We serve one G-d but recognize that he exists in three different persons according to scriptures. I realize that a lot of arguments against what I am saying can be made using this scripture and I will answer all of that and much more later. The point that I am pointing out here is that we come together for the purpose of worshiping Christ as the S-n of the most-high G-d. For that reason, Jesus himself is in our midst.

Ephesians 6:10-20 - Spiritual Warfare: Paul teaches a very valuable truth here which charismatic, pentecostal, apostolic, and word-of-faith believers preach constantly about. We believe and teach that through the authority of Christ Jesus, we have a defense and an offense against the devil. We fight openly and strongly against him because Jesus, Paul, and the Apostles told us to. There are, nevertheless, Christians out there that condemn us as being a servant or follower of the devil. I would have to ask myself concerning these brothers and sisters of mine if they honestly think that the devil is going to leave them alone simply because they have Christ living inside of them.

NO, NO, NO!!! When Christ comes to live inside you, you become an enemy of the devil and he will attack you in so many ways. He does not simply respect your decision to obey or live for G-d. He will do anything he possibly can do to rob from you the promises of G-d and make you lose faith. Because you have nevertheless blinded yourself to the idea that he doesn’t exist or can’t attack you, you never even open your eyes to what the Apostles taught and pleaded with their fellow brothers and sisters of their day about. If we preach and believe the truth of Christ, then why do they refuse to accept us as their brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus? We shall find out later.

The Pharisees of Jesus Day

All throughout the New Testament, the Pharisees constantly challenged the authority of Jesus and sought to have him killed. They could not handle the idea of Jesus being their messiah. They were comfortable with their ways. They were happy with their established religious traditions. They were happy with the control which they had over the children of Israel, through their established doctrines, and dared not deviate from them: they got upset at Jesus for healing on the Sabbath and for preaching about the kingdom of G-d, and they accused him of having a demonic spirit due to the fact that he cast out demons. These religious men thought that they had figured out G-d, and were highly educated in their religious faith. They also sought to find favor in the eyes of Rome, so as to not cause any problems. In all reality, these men-of-god felt that Jesus had come at the wrong timing and didn’t want to face him, as it was much easier for one man to die than for all of Israel to be sacrificed. These servants of G-d were very much into traditions and legalistic teachings. They wanted to keep the people bound to the traditions and teachings of the past. They were not interested in hearing this message of the kingdom of G-d that Jesus had taught so much about. They could not handle the idea of surrendering their power and authority over to Jesus. This was totally unacceptable to them. To allow Jesus to set the captives free, heal the sick, loose the broken heart, preach the acceptable year of the L-rd, and lead the children of Israel into direct intimacy with G-d would mean the death of their dead religious traditions and their positions of authority. These men confused their interpretations of the word of G-d with the word of G-d itself, which is to say that they couldn’t recognize the difference between the two.

Heretic Hunters: the Pharisees of Our Day

The pharisees of today are a bit different but things have not changed much. The most important thing is that they are now under the grace of G-d and therefore not condemned to hell. In fact, most of them can not be properly labeled as a pharisee since they are children of the most-high G-d and saved by grace through Christ Jesus. The spirit and attitude, nevertheless, of the pharisees has been a part of the church ever since the book of Acts. Even the Apostle Peter demonstrated this several times when it came to trying to force the gentiles to conform to and uphold the law in the same way that he had always done and believed, and the Apostle Paul had to constantly remind everyone that, in Christ Jesus, we are free from the legalistic religious traditions that the religious leaders of their day dictated to the people. This continued throughout the early days of the church, but really started taking off as the Roman Catholic Church became the official representative of the Christian world, as I have always thought of the Pharisees of today as being primarily the Catholics and hated what I call religion. [Goodness, have I ever repented of such ill-conceived convictions: never would I have thought then that I would ever be where I am now]

When I stumbled across a website from one of my dear charismatic brothers and sisters, I began to realize that the pharisees are not simply in the Roman Catholic Church. In fact, it is not really in any specific church, as they are throughout the christian world in many different denominations. The biggest thing that I began to realize is that most pharisees do  not have a clue that they even are one. They get so tied down into the traditions and doctrines of men that they blind themselves to the truth. We start to believe in religion to get us to heaven and then start explaining away sins, denying the existence of angels and demons, and choosing to believe that it is the will of G-d for us to be sick, poor, and miserable. We then deny others the gospel because we are ashamed of it or don’t really believe it will change their lives or be of any benefit to them. There are many different attitudes that a pharisee will cling to.

Not everyone clings to all of them, as many only cling to a few of them, but almost without fail, all of them want to stay in the boat of life, as they do not want to walk on the waters with Jesus. Nope. All they want to do is sit in the boat of religion like the 11 disciples of Jesus and mock Peter, those of us who are living by faith. I can almost see the headlines now, if Jesus were to personally ask someone to walk on water with him, as the vast majority of the church would say that the invitation was of the devil, deny that even was Christ to begin with, and condemn the Christian which happened to obey by stepping out onto the water. Why? Because it isn’t biblical, of course.

After all, everyone knows that Jesus has never been to the earth since he ascended to heaven, that the apostles were the last to operate in the gifts of the sprit, and that walking on water was not supposed to be for today, as the only reason it was in the bible to begin with was to show us that Jesus was the Messiah and to help emphasize the importance of not taking our eyes off of Jesus. I could go all day on this but my point is really simple. The religious world doesn’t want to embrace this end-time revival because they cling to their old traditions and vain doctrines. They are more interested in being religious than they are following the direct will of G-d and listening for that will in their lives. They fight and attack us in every possible way. They take statements out of context in our sermons and messages, and only give one side of the story when it comes to the things of G-d. All they are really interested in is attacking and labeling us as demonic people. They don’t care at all if G-d really is moving in Florida and Toronto, as they couldn’t care less if thousands of people are being saved in these meetings, and they don’t care that people who were once in lives full of sex, drugs, and alcohol are now living for Christ Jesus, and are highly skeptical of them if they are fanatical about their new found faith in Christ. Why? Is it perhaps because they don’t accept them as brethren in Christ Jesus? You would be surprised at some of the reasoning they have for conveniently ignoring the many thousands upon thousands of testimonies of G-d’s wonderful love. Instead, they look for any and all heresies that they can find. What is a heresy to them? A heresy to them is anything outside of their theological mindset, anything that doesn’t line up with their Christian walk, as anything that is truly from G-d would have to be a part of their lives, and because they have never experienced these things, they just know that it’s not from Him.

In fact, it would not matter if everyone in the entire world became a dynamic charismatic Christian, and were raising the dead, and in constant worship of Christ Jesus, and showing beyond a shadow of a doubt that Christ is indeed with us. It wouldn’t matter, as they would still reject it because it doesn’t fit their understanding of theology. Some heresy hunters are very well intentioned and are genuinely seeking the truth, whereas others condemn everyone which doesn’t believe the way they do. I am absolutely amazed at the extent that they take this stuff.

I mean: I can understand why they get upset when Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, and others get on TV and teach doctrines that they don’t understand or agree with. What is so incredibly wrong is when they attack everyone viciously and without reason. I can still remember from a few years ago, how this one pastor relentlessly attacked the promise keepers movement. He didn’t even stop there. He proceeded to denounce almost all of contemporary christian music, as it and and christian rap was absolutely demonic to him. This man seemed to attack just about everything that I could think of. All I could do was ask myself why he would say such horrible things. This was my first experience with a heretic hunter, which by the way, I recently visited his website and he seems to be just as anticharismatic as ever. If you are curious, his name is Phil Arms. Three years later, I am seeing them everywhere.

Apparently, they are scared that the historic and traditional church is going to disappear and leave them without a church to attend. They say that they are scared of Christians being deceived to hell and not defending the faith, and they claim that the bible is their sole authority, and that they will not go against what the bible teaches. They make it sound as if they are the ones defending the faith from every form of heresy, and they act as if they are serving G-d by attacking those that believe differently or incorrectly, and they put up this religious front and talk about how they have gone to seminary school for 10 years and pastured five different churches in the past 30 years or so.

In fact, they make themselves sound as if they have all the answers, yet they have blinded themselves to the truth. While they can quote two-thirds of the bible without even opening the book in some cases, many are intellectually proud and have totally forgotten that Christianity is a faith of experience and emotions as well as intellect. Many of these people even go so far as to say that a Christian should never-ever be emotional and view emotions as being an open doorway for deceptions. Of course, I can see their point, as it is people's really deep and powerful emotions and feelings toward our great and awesome G-d that leads most people into and keeps them in the charismatic christian world. Often they talk about the heart being deceitful above all things, quoting a passage from the Old Testament, taking it out of context no less, and totally forget that Christ Jesus gave us a new heart when we were born again. Most of these critics, which talk so much about historic Christianity and the traditional religious way of serving G-d, view salvation merely as being something where G-d writes our name down in his book of Life. He then signs a legal contract indicating that we are legally saved but never changes us into his likeness.

In other words, they deny the born-again experience and replace it with man-made doctrines and creeds as being the measuring stick for salvation. Well, Saul of Tarsus was that kind of man in the New Testament and Jesus came down and set the record straight. I truly believe that as this movement starts correcting some of its many flaws, Jesus himself will visit these heresy hunters to show them just how wrong they are. This revival will sweep the entire christian world. One day, the secular world will see a united church proclaiming the gospel one last time before we depart off this planet to let satan have his fun for a while. There will still be heresy hunters out there, which are determined and convinced that they are following the narrow way that leads to life, while everyone else has taken the broad way to hell. That is okay though, as they can think what they want to think, but scriptures do not lie.

Apostasy in the Last Days or Revival? Various Prophetic Insights into the Return of Christ.

Heresy hunters have a field day with these because they have theology so figured out that they can’t imagine the idea that the W-rd of G-d has insights that they hadn’t thought about, or that show that revival and the return of Christ will indeed happen in this generation. They are so convinced that all these bible prophecy and word-of-faith and revival teachers, evangelists, prophets, and apostles are wolves in sheep’s clothing, that they dismiss all their teachings. Any teaching that supports their ministry is considered to be scripture twisting and taking scriptures out of context, and are dreamed up simply to further the apostasy efforts and to introduce new heresies. They will even say that we are relying on visions, divine encounters, angels, and other would-be extra-biblical ways of primarily justifying our beliefs. The reality is so far from their assessment, in the true charismatic renewal meetings, that it is almost laughable, yet very sad, as we simply allow the word of G-d to speak for itself and not rely on traditions to interpret everything. That’s the difference. Anyways, one symbolic understanding of G-d’s timetable is as follows.

A day with the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day. (2nd Peter 3:8)

With this concept in mind, we allow G-d to teach us a few things in relationship to the seasons or prophetic timeline in which we live. There are over 38 major end-time bible prophecies that have taken place in this generation and many other minor ones. With that in mind, we ask ourselves if perhaps these scriptures hold any hidden prophecies as well as their obvious implications. We realize that nothing is 100 percent definitive. We simply ask if it is possible and G-d has revealed some really amazing things to ponder about: as to why this is the last generation and what will happen in this generation. The most popular thought is known as the 6-day theory. According to this theory, G-d created heaven and earth in 6 days and rested on the seventh. There will therefore be 6,000 years of history, and then Christ will have his millennial reign for a thousand years to complete the 7-days of history and creation. This fits in very nicely considering almost everyone generally agrees that the bible shows about 6,000 years of human history, and all the prophecies indicate that the return of Christ is to happen this final generation, ours no less.

Well, that is interesting, to say the least, but it is just a theory. Check this out though, Christ was buried for two days and rose on the third. Is it not interesting that there has been almost 2,000 years now, or 2 days, since the life of Christ. Won't he be raised, or revealed, on the third day. Hmmm, the bible says that Christ will rule and reign for a 1,000 years. Doesn't this fit in well with the 6-day theory? He has gone away to prepare a place for us during the past 2 days and is to now return for the 3rd day to reveal himself to Israel and to allow us to take our inheritance. Is it a coincidence? Perhaps, but then again, perhaps G-d is trying to tell us something, as it can also be further demonstrated that there was 3 separate periods of 2-days or 2,000 years in between God's major interactions with his people. I don’t remember it exactly at the moment, but I think it was 2000 years between Adam and Abraham, Abraham to Christ, and of course Christ to present day, but I would need to look it up again to be sure.

Okay, It’s now the 4th of December and I have not been able to properly write my defense down the way I had wanted to. I wasn’t even able to come close to doing all the research hours that I had intended to do. I certainly wasn’t able to write everything out concerning my defense. In many ways, I can honestly say that my defense is not all that scholarly or well-written or anything like that. Most people would look at this defense and say that it is all irrelevant, and that I don’t understand what the word of G-d really teaches, and that is why I am deceived, or whatever the case may be. Honey, I will at some point complete my defense and everything but that may be years away and you are going to be with me in the very near future. Consequently, I am going to simply postpone this project for another date and time. In some ways, it really won’t be necessary because you will slowly start to learn all my various beliefs and reasons for them throughout our marriage. Nevertheless, It is really important that I send you what I have done already so that you’ll have an idea of what to expect from me concerning our faith in Christ Jesus. In the remainder of this defense letter, however, I will share my feelings and beliefs concerning charismatic Christianity. This is really important because my viewpoint is totally based on my experiences and dreams from ever since I was a teenage kid falling in love with Jesus. I understand that some of what I believe could be wrong or in error in some way or another. This nevertheless is the way I view true biblical Christianity.

Differences between Charismatic and Pentecostal Christianity

Okay, I figure a good place to start out is by explaining many of the similarities and differences between the two.

First, allow me to say that my viewpoint is exactly that, it is uniquely mine. Others throughout the movements have their own viewpoints and beliefs as well, but I do feel rather confident that most of the people in these movements share much of my views and beliefs. To put it another way, my viewpoints do not speak for everyone on every thing but it is accurate enough to be an adequate representation of the various beliefs and viewpoints out there.

Being charismatic and pentecostal is universally understood to be the same thing in many ways. This is why you will find many who, like me, consider themselves to be both charismatic and pentecostal. For us, we do not paticularly care what we are labeled so long as people understand that the Jesus of Nazareth presented in the bible is clearly the one what we worship, as we are not following a false gospel or other Jesus. As I start reviewing many of the similarities between the charismatic and pentecostal Christian, you should start being able to understand why we are considered to be the same thing, by most people, especially from our various revival-renewal critics.

A little history lesson: back in the early 1900s, a group of christians came together in Los Angeles and began to pray for G-d to visit them the same way that he visited the first-century church. Christ eagerly honored their prayer and was very delighted to once again be invited by his church to bless them with his manifested presence. Although G-d had visited past revivals with various forms of manifestations and his manifested presence, this would prove to be much deeper and different. This moment of divine favor became known as the azusa-street revival and began what would become the world-wide pentecostal movement. Any time that G-d moves in a significant way such as this, you can expect controversy to erupt. Just like the critics attacked all the other moves of G-d throughout history, this would be no different and the following movements are still being relentlessly attacked by it’s own critics. Anyways, people would come to Los Angeles from all around to see and witness this peculiar outpouring and manifested presence of the supernatural. These christians became known as pentecostals because of the similarities of what was happening to them to the outpouring on the day of pentecost recorded in Acts. G-d was healing the sick, working great signs and wonders in their midst, baptizing believers with power from on high via the holy spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. The first three years of this outpouring was a really special time for many people and the secular media was still christianized in many ways, consequently, they were reporting on the strange things going on there. As time passed on by, this outpouring started losing some of it’s strength as people started going into all the world to preach to every living creature. These pentecostal christians tried to become part of the established christian denominations, but were rejected by most on account of their heretical doctrines concerning the baptism of the holy spirit, gifts of the spirit, and manifestations. Some people actually abandoned their pentecostal experiences so they could once again join the established churches. Most of them, thankfully, decided that it was time to form their own established church so that they could be recognized as true christians, as well express doctrines and practices. Thus, the assembly-of-god was formed. The majority of these tongue-talking pentecostals joined this denomination while others chose to simply not have a church. Instead, they choose to meet at each others house and have small meetings with follow pentecostal believers in Christ.

Nevertheless, as good as all this was, there were some demonic activities taking place around the revival and various false teachers and prophets came along to steal people away from the faith, as some soon began to follow different forms of heresies and ended up falling into various cults, as they had started to believe in all types of strange beliefs: including the idea that we are little-gods or manifested sons-of-god or that the Trinity is a heresy. Many different beliefs and interpretations of scriptures were born as a result of the azusa-street revival. The critics are very quick to point out all these examples of supposed heresy, but then totally ignore all the thousands of true christians that believed in all of their doctrinal truths and creeds. At any rate, this went on for several decades.

During the 50s or so, the great healing-revival took off as many people began to lead faith-healing ministries. I don’t know all the history to this, but from what I understand, most of it was very much from G-d,  as many people were genuinely touched, healed, and saved by G-d as a result of these movements. Some of the leading ministers began to abuse thier gifts of healing, and thus fell into different forms of heresy and sin. While many did fall, others remained faithful to G-d, and thus didn’t fall. Oral Roberts is one of those ministers which remained faithful.

Somewhere in the 60s or 70s, the charismatic renewal movement began to take off. Until this time, pentecostals were viewed as holy rollers because of their fanatical expressions of worship, as many were even considered to be demonically oppressed and deceived. Even so, they were also very well known for their holiness preaching, which really turned off many people because they didn’t want to give up their sinful lifestyles. This was especially true of the baptists, as baptists have always had a really bad reputation of being hypocritical christians, which preached one way while living another way. During most of this time, pentecostal christianity and traditional christianity was viewed as being separate or different. Most pentecostals condemned those outside their faith to hell while most outside the pentecostal faith repaid the favor. They would rarely speak with, pray for, or have anything to do with one another. As such, they didn't hold city-meetings for prayer and evangelism together. Even though they were both true christians, they simply wouldn’t acknowledge it. In fact, they personally preferred to slander, insult, lie, and preach against one another. It was really sad but very true, as lines were clearly drawn in the sand as to what a christian was. You were either pentecostal or non-pentecostal: very much like when it was believed that you are either jewish or christian but can’t be both. Well, this is why G-d sent the charismatic movement into the Church.

All of a sudden, christians were experiencing the manifested presence-of-god outside pentecostal circles as well as inside. G-d would go against many of the wrong assumptions which many pentecostals had concerning their faith, such as the idea that one must completely clean up and sanctify themselves for a period of time before G-d would baptize them with the holy ghost. Now, the charismatic gifts of the holy spirit were beginning to come into full operation throughout the body of Christ, as the realization that we are brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, in spite of our differences, began to come really clear. This movement-of-god consequently began to break down many of our denominational walls. Various baptists, lutherans, presbyterians, methodists, churches-of-christ, pentecostals, and even some catholics started uniting together in unity for the faith. This is one of the more controversial aspects of charismatic christianity, as many people are terrified of unity because they believe that it will lead towards the one-world-church mentioned in revelation and various other scriptures, since this church will be part of the one-world-religion which serves and worships the antichrist. Although the fear is somewhat understandable, critics fail to realize that we are uniting together in christ, and that we are totally opposed to and aware of the future reign of the antichrist. We are not uniting under him, as this and many other reasons would make this fear unjustifiable. The charismatic movement has allowed the body of Christ to become one in many ways. It has broken down denominational, gender, racial, social, and ethical walls throughout the body of Christ. Today, most people do not particularly care what denomination a person happens to belong to, as they just want to know that you know Jesus by being born-again or saved, and what he has been doing in your life. This especially bothers our critics really badly since we tend to overlook the differences in doctrines between us and are slow to condemn those that we disagree with. I will get more into that later, but for now let me say that the charismatic movement did many great things for the kingdom of G-d, but has also had its share of critics and heretics over the years as well.

During the 80’s, the word-of-faith movement began to really take off. Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, and various other leaders really got it started and remain among the most visible and influential leaders. Later on, men like Jerry Savelle, Jesse Duplantis, and others also brought many people the truths related to our relationship to Christ Jesus and to living our lives in faith towards Christ. I will go more into the word-of-faith movement later. For now, allow me to say that they are certainly one of the most criticized and condemned group of true christians out there. Most of the accusations, nevertheless, are total lies and the heresies weren’t half as bad as the critics make it look like. Their faith is totally misrepresented by the critics, and in all honesty, they are one of the closest forms of biblical christianity out there. I don’t know much about the vineyard churches, but from what I understand, they came into existence around the same time that the charismatic movement took off, but were primarily in Canada though. Anyways, they have been rather open towards the moving of the holy spirit from the very beginning. Their faith, unfortunately, was becoming somewhat stagnant, which is to say that the power of G-d wasn’t as visible as previously known by other generations, so they started seeking a fresh move of the Holy Spirit in the early 90s.

In 1994, Jesus began bringing charismatic, pentecostal, word-of-faith, and vineyard christians together in unity in a small church in Toronto. This was quite an accomplishment because many within these movements would view their differences with great skepticism even if they did accept each other as brothers and sisters in Christ. I point this out because some of our greatest critics out there today are pentecostals and anticharismatic christians. This experience was really important because it was the beginning of the realization that G-d approves of all of us despite some of our flawed, and possibly even herectial, beliefs. This began the great toronto-blessing or what most believers prefer to call the fathers-blessing. This movement was and still is believed to be the very first drops of the great-end-time-revival that is to spread across the land prior to the return of Jesus. Before G-d sends the revival out in full force, however, he first needs to renew his bride. That is to say, he is in the process of building up and sanctifying the Church, so that when she is ready, she can finally complete her calling to the great commission. This movement did not really start in Toronto, but that was the first city to get widespread attention, and subsequent to the outpouring there, it is best described as the global awakening of Christ’s church, given that it has been a time where the body of Christ is being restored back to the days of the original Church. In fact, we are going deeper in the power, the presence, the might, and the glory as we fulfill the last great call of repentance for the world. Restoration is taking place as we start rediscovering the biblical forms of worship and seek after Christ with all our hearts and souls.

Anyhow, I will go more into those details later, but for right now, I simply want to conclude this section of history by saying that the past 6-7 years has been known as great times of renewal. It has also been filled with great anticipation, prayer, and yearning for the day when G-d floods down on the world, just as is recorded in Acts, in chapter 2 verses 17 through 21, wherein Luke is quoting and interpreting Joel chapter 2 verses 28 through 32. It is a great and beautiful day to be living in the body of Christ, but this is just the beginning. Despite what the critics teach, the final days of the Church are very glorious, and we are indeed in the very last of the last days. These glorious days will soon bring Christ back to rule and reign very soon. This is a time to rejoice and live for Christ like never before: with all our hearts, minds, and souls.

Having reviewed the history of these movements, allow me quickly illustrate some of the most visible differences.

Eternal Security Doctrine: This is the biggest difference between most charismatic and pentecostal believers. Pentecostals preach relentlessly on holiness and the need, or commandment, to live a life free of sin. There is nothing wrong with this mindset except the fact that it can be a really huge and unnecessary stumbling block for many fellow believers, such as myself. It is especially troubling to those who have genuine relationships with Christ and know that they know that they are saved and on their way to heaven, but are struggling with sin in their lives. The pentecostal message of holiness is very condemning for these true and sincere believers. They will constantly feel condemned, instead of convicted, when they attend their meetings because of the way they preach the message and use scare-tactics concerning the very real possibility of backsliding to hell. In fact, many of the Christians that were at one point in these movements, but have since left and joined an anti-pentecostal church, leave because of that reason. I know that I wouldn’t want to go to a church where I was constantly condemned for every little action that I did that didn’t line up with godly standards. Pentecostals leave many outsiders the impression that if you so much as accidentally say a bad word, and then die before repenting, that you’ll not make it into heaven. This is a highly exaggerated representation of their faith, but it drives home the idea. The reality is that they do believe that the grace of G-d is very much sufficient to overlook accidental sins, and sins that are unknown to the individual.

Nevertheless, they make a point out of constantly reminding their believers of the very real dangers of losing one’s salvation experience. This flies in the face of those who follow the calvinistic teaching of unconditional grace, which gives believers a license-to-sin. This teaching is very prevalent in baptist circles, but is also very widely taught in most other denominations and sects as well. Calvin started this heretical teaching, and is known for several other false-teachings as well. Don’t get me wrong, from what I have heard,  he has done many great things for the body of Christ, but his teachings have nevertheless lead many people into deception, and quite possibly, into eternal damnation, not to mention the fact that Calvin was known for some really horrific sins. It is hard for me to really understand how anyone could actually revere him so greatly, but people do: many hold his teachings to be almost as true as the words of Paul. This is important for you to understand, because many of the Critics are really passionate Calvin fans, and cling to his teachings. I will speak more on Calvinism later, but for now I will simply say that much of his teachings are seriously flawed, yet admired by those clinging to their once-saved always-saved doctrines. Because of this, many people have lots of problems listening to the pentecostals constantly preach on holiness and the possibility of backsliding to hell. Oddly enough, many pentecostals cling to some of the false teachings of Calvin as well, but deeply resent this imparticular teaching. At any rate, my point is simply that many pentecostals wrongfully condemn fellow believers in Christ, based upon whether or not they are living a holy lifestyle or not. This is where charismatic christians greatly differ from the pentecostals in this area of Doctrine.

In fact, most of us take a middle-road approach to this doctrine, which is to say that we do believe and understand that a believer can loose their salvation experience, but the grace of G-d is much more greater and sufficient than we realize. To put it another way, G-d does indeed own an eraser on the pencil with which he writes our name into the Lamb's book of life. Nevertheless, he does not use that eraser anywhere near as much as the pentecostals seem to think. Those who follow Calvin’s teaching wrongfully take it to the opposite extreme of the pentecostals, in that they deny the fact that G-d even owns an eraser, when in fact many have lost their salvation, over the years, wrongfully believing that they had a license-to-sin. Charismatic christians generally take a middle-road approach to the issue, but I will further clarify how when I go over the differences between the outpourings in Toronto and Pensacola later. But to briefly mention it here, the style of Toronto is more charismatic, whereas Pensacola is more pentecostal, each one however accepts and acknowledges the other as being an authentic revival outpouring.

Baptism in the Holy Spirit: This is another one of the differences between the two. This is impaticularly true of the old-fashioned pentecostals who cling to the idea that one must speak in tongues in order to be saved. Most pentecostals have since realized that G-d does truly save people, even if they have never spoken in tongues before. Therefore, that is an extreme difference between the two. The main difference here is in relation to sanctification, which is to say that pentecostals mistakenly teach that a person must first clean up his life and purify it from sins before the holy spirit will honor our invitations to manifest himself inside the believer. This sanctification process can happen simultaneously with conversion, but it is the exception and not the rule. A pentecostal believer seeking a touch from G-d via baptism, or a refilling of the holy spirit, normally end up waiting long periods of time before receiving this gift of G-d. This is really sad because it is the religious way of doing it, whereas charismatic christians view this experience quite differently, as they believe that G-d is very willing to bless his children, and that there is not any need to sanctify our lives first. To put it another way, this is a gift of G-d that is as free as salvation is.

After all, it is thus a whosoever-gift, with only one restriction, and that is to first be born-again or saved. This valuable truth was really brought to knowledge via the word-of-faith movement. I still remember Jesse Duplantis talking about his experiences of seeking the baptism via the religious pentecostal way versus the way that he now sees G-d instantly baptizing many believers without tarrying. Why? Because of the believers faith and understanding of the desire of G-d to bless them, that is why. The other big difference between the charismatic and pentecostal viewpoints concerning spiritual gifts and holy living is that pentecostals seem to keep the idea that you must be a godly individual, and living a really holy lifestyle, in order to have the gifts of the spirit operating in your life.

In fact, they seem to think that G-d only gives the spiritual gifts of healing, words of knowledge, prophecy, etc. to individuals which have proven themselves worthy of such a privilege and area of responsibility. Then, they condemn people who have had these gifts when they find out that they have sin in their lives. All of a sudden, accusations of being a false prophet-teacher are thrown into the mix, and they kill their wounded, just as do most non-charismatic churches as well, whereas charismatic christians tend to more closely favor the biblically accurate viewpoint, which is to say that these gifts are exactly that, gifts. They do not necessarily prove anything in and of themselves, as G-d freely gives to whom he decides, but does not place much conditions upon those gifts, and it is for that reason that the church of Corinth was so out of order and chaotic, along with acts of immorality, despite the fact that most members were practicing their spiritual gifts. This in fact is why people living ungodly lifestyles can still be found praying-in-tongues or having dreams and visions. Just because they have fallen into sin, that does not mean that G-d has abandoned them, nor does it mean that he should take away the gifts which he freely gave them earlier. Many charismatic christians will even use this argument in relationship to salvation, because there are many which firmly believe that a true Christian can not lose their salvation, since it was a gift freely given, and you can’t take away gifts once you have given them to someone, and so G-d does not take these other gifts away either.

Anyhow, my point in all of this is to simply say that pentecostals tend to over-emphasize holiness to the point of condemnation, whereas charismatic christians have a tendency to be more compassionate, and to help their struggling brethren to overcome thier sin instead of killing them for it, as do their pentecostal counterparts.

Word of Faith Christians

They are certainly some of the most controversial, misunderstood, misrepresented, misquoted, taken out of context, and attacked Christians of all simply because of how seriously they take the word of G-d. They simply decide to take the word of G-d seriously and not question it. If it says it, it must be so. The bible is the ultimate authority on everything in life. They take every verse of the bible seriously and personal. Many of the most visible leaders of the movement openly admit to the fact that they believe that the bible is alive and actually teaches them directly, even in a personal way. As an example, when they read about Jesus talking to the 12 disciples, they actually have the nerve to think that Jesus is talking to them. When they read that Jesus says to go out and heal the sick, set the captives free, and cast out demons: they believe that he is giving them that exact commandment. When they read about how Jesus went about always doing good by doing all these miraculous signs and wonders, so that he could be glorified as the living G-d, in the flesh, they have a tendency to believe that he really did in fact do that.

Then, when they read about how Jesus Christ is the absolute perfect will of G-d for all of humanity, they decide to look to Jesus to know the will of G-d. Put that with the verse in Hebrews that states that Jesus is the same today, as he was yesterday, and forever shall be: one thing becomes abundantly clear, it is not the will of G-d for anyone to be suffering, sick, poor, needy, depressed, oppressed, defeated, or anything like that. If it was or is his will, then we would have a record of Jesus sending these kinds of afflictions on those that he ministered to. After all, he was the exact will of G-d, not just an example. Knowing this fundamental truth, they then read scriptures which talk about how G-d is only pleased by faith, and how almost every godly individual in the bible was someone who lived by faith, they start putting this together and look at the bible totally different than what most religious believers do, as they start rejecting sickness as being in the will of G-d. They start looking for scriptures that demonstrate the will of G-d concerning health, prosperity, and other things. Once they find the scriptures, they can know that they know that they know that it is the will of God for them to be healed. Why? Because there is no scriptures that indicate that it is his will for them to be sick, as it is their critics that misinterpret Job and the thorn in Paul's flesh.

Overwhelmingly, the word of G-d clearly teaches that it is G-d’s will that his children should be healthy, not sick, and without need, not poor and barely surviving. Then, much to their amazement, they realize that the will of G-d is for them to prosper and be blessed. How do they know this? Well you have to remember that the bible is viewed as being the ultimate authority for everything in life: man’s opinions are irrelevant, and they just want to know what G-d says in his word. So, they go through and see what G-d says about it. Strangely enough, G-d clearly teaches that his will, for his children, is that they should be blessed and prosperous, and in fact there are many, many, many examples of this throughout the scriptures. Of course, the critics are quick to point out that the bible is constantly warning about the love of money being evil and how Christ and his apostles were constantly preaching against money, but this is only a partial representation of what they actually taught though. When you read the scriptures, in-context, you’ll find out that they were preaching against those who loved their money more than G-d. In fact, money is their god in many ways, as it was this that Jesus and his apostles were preaching about. There is simply nothing wrong with money in and of itself. The bible clearly teaches that it is the love of money that is the root of all evil. It is the church who has clung to the poverty-gospel for many years, believing it is the will of G-d, when in fact the reality is totally different. The apostles never taught that money was evil, but they did warn repeatedly about the dangers of money becoming a form of idolatry. Sadly, quite a few inside the word-of-faith movement, have failed to understand that danger, and instead viewed this doctrine as being some sort of get-rich scheme, and thus defrauded many sincere Christians of money from their pockets by promising things which they had no intention of keeping, and thus hurt hurt the movement in the process, albeit that they did expose some of the dangers related to it. As the critics are often quick to point out, there were quite a few controversial teachings, some of which borderlined heretical during this time, by some of the most influential leaders. Let me briefly address them now.

The little-gods quotations that the critics constantly flash on their websites certainly would give people the idea that these leaders were in fact heretical when they made them. The critics nevertheless do not explain to you anything about what they were preaching on, or why they made those particular statements. Why? Why do they not tell you what they really meant by saying that we are little gods? I mean, if these leaders truly do believe that we are little gods, then they surely they explained themselves and boldly continue to preach about it. What is up with this? Welcome to the wonderful world of the heresy hunters. They take everything out of context and in some cases, they flat out lie to their audiences concerning what these ministries teach and say. I really fear for these critics because they are on very dangerous ice, since the bible says some really condemning things concerning those who falsely accuse the brethren, by spreading around vicious lies and misrepresentations of people.

In fact, bearing false witness towards others is one of the 7 sins which G-d deeply hates and resents. What does this have to do with the little gods quotations and the other controversial beliefs or sayings in this movement? Well, they give you these quotes, but do not tell you anything about what they were preaching about, for a very good reason. By explaining to the reader why these leaders made their statements, especially by allowing the reader to hear the entire sermons for themselves, they know that if the readers heard the message in its entirety, the message would not be as controversial or heretical in nature. They withhold this information and give isolated quotations for shock-value. I wish I could say that all the critics out there would at least be willing to accurately quote these ministers, but the reality is that they often misquote them, and have them saying things which they never said.

At any rate, the little-gods statements came during the late 1980s. Most ministers in the word-of-faith movement have, since then, either denounced these teachings or else decided that it really wasn’t something to spend lots of time worrying about on this side of eternity, given that the bible gives lots of room for interpretation on it. Having not heard the sermons, I can only speculate as to why they made these statements. Seeing these statements have been repented of, there is no reason to stress out over them, or hold these ministers in condemnation for them. What is under the blood has been forgiven. What Christ has forgiven, we have no right of throwing it back in their faces. Just think if we had someone doing that to us all the time. These people are attacked relentlessly for things that were supposedly said / taught 10 years ago, despite the fact that they have since been forgiven by Jesus, although the question still remains as to where they actually needed forgiveness; after all, the bible does leave room for arguments in favor of this doctrine, but there is a very thin line that carries it over in complete heresy as well.

Anyhow, I am not going to go into the specifics right now other than to simply say that the bible clearly teaches that we will rule-and-reign with Christ, and various other scriptures say that we are being transformed into his image, so that someday we will become sons of G-d. Just because we are sons of G-d does not mean that we are equal to or greater than G-d, it simply means that we are in a really special relationship to G-d with the possibility of ruling our own creations or planets. If this is so, then it could be argued that we are indeed little-gods. I am not saying that we are, I am simply saying that there is room for disagreement here. Another possible interpretation concerning thier little-gods statements is the fact that we all have Jesus living inside of us. If Christ is living inside us, who are redeemed us by his blood, and the Father sees Jesus in us, when he looks at us: if these things are true, logic would have it that we could be viewed as little-gods when compared to those for whom these things can not be said of.

But like I said, I have not heard the sermons and therefore can only speculate as to what they were teaching about. The one thing that I am certain of is that they were not teaching the new age doctrines of us being gods. They may have fallen into error concerning a few minor interpretations of scriptures, but they did not deny the Lord that bought them, in the process. Furthermore, they repented of these teachings long ago. I might remind our critics, which continue to condemn them with these various charges of heresy, to read and apply Matthew chapter 18 verses 15 through 22. The critic may respond that this is in relation to someone sinning directly against them, that the word-of-faith teacher did not sin against him, the critic, directly and therefore this scripture doesn’t apply, but in all reality, if the world-of-faith teacher is in heresy by teaching such a doctrine, then he has sinned against the entire body of Christ, and therefore all believers are required to forgive him if and when he repents, critics included.

Another controversial teaching or heresy promoted in the 80s, by various word-of-faith teachers is the Jesus-died-spiritually doctrine or that Jesus-was-born-again during his experience on Calvary. According to the teaching, the physical death of Christ on the cross was not enough to secure our salvation. Instead, he had to die physically, descend down into hell, overpower satan and his devils, take back the keys of life, resurrect and thus become the first born-again believer. Somewhere along this process, Jesus is said to have died spiritually, as he took on the evil nature of satan and eventually overcame it when he successfully overthrew satan, and thus rose from the dead via the power of the holy spirit. Kenneth Copeland had been quoted as saying things like: if the physical death of Christ was enough to ensure our salvation, then anyone could have got on that cross and died in our place had they known what Jesus knew, and other controversial statements similar to that in the 80s. Some of the statements that were made regarding this teaching are quite serious in their implications and meanings.

Indeed, my soul still cringes at times when I read some of the alleged statements made by various prominent word-of-faith teachers concerning this teaching, but I also know how the heretic hunters operate as well. They selectively pick and choose the statements they want to use to condemn these ministers. Sadly, I can not trust half the quotes out there, which were allegedly made, because I know that these heresy hunters flat out lie concerning their statements, and often interpret the actual sayings to come up with the alleged quote. Sure, they source the material that they supposedly took the quotes from so you can go back and check it out for yourself, but not everyone has the ability, the materials, or the time to do so. It is far more easier to simply believe what the accused says in defense or what the accusers say in offense. Who is right? Who is wrong? Who knows? I mean, material that is 10 years old or more could easily have been altered since then, as this is often the case with history.

Anyhow, my thoughts are that most of this fussing over this teaching is irrelevant. Why? Very simply, the death of Christ on the cross and his resurrection is the only hope that we have of eternal life and the word-of-faith teachers firmly teach this biblical truth. Just because they believe that Christ went to hell to further complete the process is really not heretical in nature. I mean, there are several scriptures that indicate the reality of this. As much as it does hurt me to think that perhaps my precious savior went to hell, and was tortured for over 2 days, as he was cursed for our sins, before finally resurrecting, I can clearly see that this teaching does not measure up to true heresy.

In all honesty, I think this teaching, if and only if taught correctly, shows far greater love and compassion towards humanity on Christ’s part, than him simply dying on the cross. That does not mean that Christ died in vain. Far from it, as there were lots of reasons why the plan of G-d called for him to be crucified like that. My point is simply that, whether he died on the cross and instantly went to heaven, or else died on the cross, went to hell, was born-again, and then rose from the dead in his glorified body, it doesn’t really matter. In both ways, it is acknowledged that Christ physically died for our sins, remained in the grave for three days, and then rose again physically in his incorruptible body. It is through this process that humanity can now look to the cross for their salvation. As such, word-of-faith teachers are not looking at Jesus as being some great prophet that just happened to fulfill the prophecies, and thus became one of many saviors for the world, or whatever else allegation one might propose.

Nevertheless, the critics will inevitably point to other quotes, which these leaders allegedly made, that makes it seem as if they are lowering Christ to the level of man and exalting man to the level of Christ. Some of these selective quotes would give you the idea that word-of-faith teachers believe that we will actually become greater than Christ. These quotes are certainly the most troublesome, but I have learned that you can’t trust the critics about anything anymore. They do not believe in biblical ethics of not bearing false witness. Instead, they come up with lies, take things out of context, twist the scriptures around, and then use scare tactics of deception to keep their followers away from these ministers. The reality is that G-d became a man and kept his divinity at the same time. 100 per cent G-d, and 100 per cent man. Because of this, Jesus now bridges the gap between humanity and the divine. I am not really going to defend this teaching right now because I don’t really know all the depths of it, nor do I know what was actually taught, and what are exaggerated claims by the critics. Instead I will simply say that most of this teaching could very well be quite orthodox, biblically based, and yet could be close to heresy, as this teaching could easily be turned into another-gospel if the teachers started to contradict the word of G-d.

Nevertheless, the bible is the final authority on everything and the word-of-faith teachers do in fact stay true to the bible even if their interpretations differ somewhat from the traditional viewpoints. Christianity has had a long history of established creeds and doctrines proven to be in error or false by later generations of Christians. Every since the church fell into apostasy during the Catholic era, and Martin Luther finally revolted against it, we have been in a search for the truth of the word of G-d every since then. This is an on-going search that will only be completed when Christ finally comes and sets the record straight himself. In the meantime, we would be better off to dispute the claims of our enemies, and quite fighting our brethren over things that are open to interpretation such as this.

While I am not going to defend all the alleged word-of-faith heresies, I do want to briefly respond to another common accusation: that word-of-faithers command G-d around like he is a puppet on a string or that they command G-d to do things regardless as to what his soverign will is. There are various other ways that the critics make these accusations, but of course they do not correctly represent what the WOF movement teaches. The word-of-faith movement is accused of this because they put so much emphasize on the spiritual laws under which G-d works in our lives. The bible demonstrates several laws. One is reaping-and-sowing and another is commanding-things-to-be as-though-they-were, also known as positive-confession and faith. The word-of-faith teachers thus take the word of G-d so seriously that they dare to believe that it actually means what it says.

Consequently, they observe the covenants, which G-d established with his children, and take his word that he will continue to honor his covenants always. One of these covenants was the one that was established with Abraham. We are spiritual descendants of Abraham; therefore, the covenant is for us as well. I can not possibly go into all the details required to explain all of these covenants, and how they relate to us, so I am not going to even try right now. My point, however, is quite simply that they read the bible as if everything in there is a promise to them, in one way or another. They know that G-d never contradicts himself, so they look for the context of all scriptures and allow Jesus to teach them, via the holy spirit, what his will is for them. The Bible is so clear that it is scary sometimes at how many religious people actually miss these teachings. Nevertheless, they do, as the desire of G-d is to bless his children, which walk in obedience to him and exercises faith in him. This of course would include holiness as well.

Anyways, I am getting off the subject now. Allow me to conclude this by saying that the word-of-faith teachers are not commanding G-d around like many of the critics claim. They are simply taking G-d at his word and learning to trust him no matter what the circumstances seem like. Some of the most talked about scriptures, among various word-of-faith teachers, are Hebrews 11:1, Romans 8:28-39, Galatians 3:14, and many others.

In conclusion, word-of-faith teachers are in fact true Christians and very orthodox in their beliefs. Unfortunately, there have been heresies taught by some, and some of the teachers have actually abandoned the faith for another gospel, but that does not make the entire movement demonic. There has been many extreme teachings out there. Some of them include the idea that every Christian believer should be really rich, never sick, and that everyone will come to knowledge of Christ in the family of a believer if they will simply claim it and hold on to it with prayers of faith. Just like any other truth of G-d, if it is taken to extremes, it can cause a lot of problems and people can get hurt. It saddens my heart when I read the testimonies of those who have really been hurt by the word-of-faith movement, but then again, it also makes my heart rejoice when I hear all the wonderful reports and testimonies of those who have been powerfully touched and blessed by G-d through the word-of-faith movement. Why are some blessed, while others are cursed? I am not sure, I really do not know. Some people take their eyes off of Jesus and put it on other things, such as prosperity, manifestations, etc and end up falling or failing because their hearts are not right. Others are introduced to the movement by bad teachers. Some do not have strong faith. Others are simply lead astray by other desires in life. Still, others are hurt by the movement with no logical reason. They very sincerely followed the movement exactly the way that all the other blessed people did, but were still hurt anyways. It is a mystery that is unexplainable. It is like the thousands of atheists out there that reject G-d based on some bad experience with some church, many of the ex-word-of-faith believers reject the entire movement because of their bad experiences. The word-of-faith movement has done many great things for the body of Christ, but it has also really hurt the body in other ways. This is to be expected with any great move of G-d, as when he interacts with humanity. When the divine touches humanity, you can expect things to get a little messy simply because we must learn how to properly deal with our new knowledge. My experience with the word-of-faith movement clearly teaches me that most of the problems, and possible heresies of the 1980s, have been repented of. If you go to the websites of the critics, you do not see much heretical accusations after the early 1990s. That is kind of odd given that is about the same time that I was introduced to the movement, and it is also the time in which G-d sent the great outpourings of renewal and revival into the world. It seems as though Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Paul Crouch, and others have either renounced their previous teachings, which were possibly heretical or else I have simply not seen or heard them teach them before. I will continue to watch their teachings to make sure they remain faithful the word of G-d, but I feel much more comfortable about listening to them now that I have had a chance to hear their defenses, and see how horrible of a job the critics do in representing the beliefs of these ministers.

Okay, it is now Sunday evening and I really need to wrap this defense up for now so that I can send it to you.

In conclusion, let me send you some links to various other ministries that have done a really good and biblical defense of the faith. They show you what the bible really says about these manifestations and help you understand what is going on in the body of Christ these days. There is so much more that I really wish I could write, but that will all have to wait for another day. If you have any questions or concerns, please remember that you can trust me. I have a decent understanding of the views and beliefs of both sides now, and can help mediate between the two. I will not have all the answers, but I can help you find those which I do not have. This is a good website that gives many good arguments in defense of the word-of-faith movement. I laughed many times because of how funny the author is in some of his articles related to how God supposedly wishes sickness, diseases, poverty, and other tragedies on his children just to make them more like Christ. Trust me, there is some funny things to read in there. I enjoyed this site quite a bit. Especially the sections dealing with the another gospel accusation and the response to Hank’s book Christianity In Crisis. and

This guy from Australia has done a very good and biblical defense of the Toronto-blessing and I can not possibly express my thankfulness for his obedience to Christ in putting this together. He explains many of the reasons why people reject the TB and why they are wrong for doing so. He comes across somewhat harshly towards those who disagree with the TB, by constantly referring to such individuals as pharisees. In fact, many people are offended by this, but they fail to realize just how offended we are when we are told that we are not even part of the body of Christ. We do at least acknowledge them as being saved. Some of the areas that I specifically want you to visit is his 9-common-errors-of-discernment page,  the TB-FAQ page, and the TBD page.

Here, you will find many of the questions, concerns, facts, myths, etc. related to the Toronto-blessing. Trust me, you can not possibly read everything there is to read in one day. This is a site that you can spend all day in and still learn new things about what is going on. My reason for telling you this is because I don’t want you to take this site lightly. The man has done a really good job defending the Toronto-blessing and he is one of the reasons that I was able to keep my sanity this past summer. This was the first place, compared with the hundreds of anti-TB pages, which I managed to find, and it was of great blessing for me. I can not possibly overstate just how much of this helped me keep the faith. I have even talked to his wife about the false-prophets-and-teachers that are found in Matthew chapter seven, and I have also talked to her about the many accusations related to many of the famous ministers out there. She was of great help as well. Her husband runs the website and sends out monthly newsletters addressing various concerns and questions that people on his list have. He has done many good defenses on almost all the controversial topics related to the TB. Trust me, this is a good site to get an idea of what the TB is all about. This website was also of great encouragement for me as well. He has written many great articles to choose from. My favorite two is faith-movement and which-Christ-do-you-worship?

Please feel free spending lots of time exploring his site. Here is another very well written and prepared defense of the Toronto-blessing. It goes in detail concerning the nature of the manifestations and why it is wrong to judge these movements by them alone. The church in Ft. Worth that I am eagerly looking forward to visiting. The church that the Toronto-blessing became known from. The church that is known for the Pensacola outpouring" This site gives a couple of links to sites that are for the Toronto-blessing and against it. Feel free to visit both, but remember that the critics can be very brutal when it comes to attacking our beliefs. Honey, it is really important that you review this webpage really quickly before we go to the church in Ft. Worth. It gives you the scriptural reasons for why we do the things we do in our praise and worship services. Okay :)