Harp & Bowl Intercessory Worship
  Public Speech, MCC, Spring 2002 | Informative Speech
Disclaimer: this was written before I had outgrown my evangelical fundamentalism

Specific Purpose:

    To inform my audience of the concept of night and day prayer using the Harp and Bowl model.

Central Idea:

     The International House of Prayer-Kansas City operates continuously, they use a Harp & Bowl prayer model, and they assist other cities establish their own houses of prayer.


I.    “Who wants to go sit before a God who is mostly mad or sad? When we behold a God of fiery desire for us, it awakens desire in our hearts back towards God.”

II.    This quote from Mike Bickle, taken from a recent Christianity Today magazine article, is quite typical of his Christian worldview.

     1.    Although fear and boredom are two of the most common ideas related to prayer, there’s a growing number of Christians who are out to change that.

III.    I myself had this mindset until I learned that prayer could be enjoyable.

     1.    I’ve spent the past two years doing research on this group of intercessors and worshippers in Kansas City.

IV.    Since few in the Meridian area know about IHOP-KC, I thought I’d do my informative speech regarding their background history,
         how they’ve incorporated the harp and bowl prayer model, and how they are helping other cities establish their own houses of prayer.

(Transition: Let’s start by looking at some of their background history.)

V.    Enjoyable prayer night and day at IHOP-KC

     A.    Scripture references on visual aid

          1.    Psalm 27:4
          2.    Luke 18:7-8a
          3.    Isaiah 56:7

     B.    Mike Bickle spent the past 20 years dreaming and preparing for the reestablishment of a house of prayer based upon these and other scriptures.

          1.    During this time, there were a number of prophetic experiences involving him and others in what has become known as the “Kansas City Prophets” controversy.

               a.    In 1982, Bickle was visiting Egypt when he heard the Lord say, “I will change the understanding and expression of Christianity in the earth in one generation.”
               b.    In the mid-late 1980’s, prophets began to gather in the Kansas City area.
               c.    After correcting some abuses in the prophetic community, Bickle spent much of the 90’s training others in the prophetic.

     C.    During the mid-late 1990’s, over 150 families moved to the Kansas City area to assist in the vision of opening up a continual house of prayer.

          1.    In early 1999, Bickle stepped down from his full-time pastoral job to become the lead director of the Kansas City house of prayer initiative.

     D.    On September 19, 1999, The International House of Prayer Kansas City officially began their continuous 24-hour night and day prayer services.

          1.    There are 84 two-hour prayer meetings during a given week.

               a.    Each day is divided up into about 12 shifts.
               b.    A team of 10-15 singers and musicians minister in each shift.
               c.    These teams seamlessly transition between each shift.

          2.    Christians of all backgrounds are now saturating Kansas City with prayer.

               a.    IHOP-KC does not belong to any particular church or denomination.
               b.    Local area worshippers and intercessors are beginning to incorporate IHOP-KC into their day-to-day lives.
               c.    Worshippers and Intercessors from all around the world are beginning to make pilgrimages to Kansas City.

(Transition: Let’s now look at their primary prayer format)

VI.    The marriage of intercession and worship through the Harp and Bowl prayer model.

     A.    Revelation 5: 8-9 (Scripture on visual aid)

          1.    The harp symbolically speaks of worship, and the bowls contain the prayers of the saints.

               a.    The harp and bowl prayer model is born out of this idea of combing prayers and worship together.

     B.    The applications of the Harp and Bowl prayer model used in Kansas City.

          1.    There are usually 1 designated prayer leader, 3-4 singers, and a small group of musicians.

               a.    The prayer leader will pray over various biblical prayers one phrase at a time.
               b.    The singers will sing responsively to one another in short phrases and questions regarding the scripture given by the prayer leader.
               c.    Essentially, what you have is a prayer leader turning biblical prayers into an interactive dialogue with the singers.

     C.    The benefits of the harp and bowl prayer model.

          1.    It involves teamwork ministry and promotes congressional unity.

               a.    The antiphonal singing invites the audience to participate in the dialogue.
               b.    It’s an enjoyable form of devotion, intercession, worship, and bible study all wrapped into one package.

(Transition: Now you may be thinking, “I’d like to visit a house of prayer someday,
but I’m not able to make the trip to Kansas City.
Will more houses of prayer be established in other cities?”)

VII    Yes, more Houses of Prayer are coming to a city near you.

     A.    Many houses of prayer are already being established throughout the United States and in some parts of the world. (Show visual aid)

          1.    These houses of prayer are currently open between 10-50 hours a week.

               a.    Most of them use harp and bowl prayer models, but many also include other expressions of devotional prayer.
               b.    All of them are seeking to go 24/7 when they are able to do so.

     B.    Ultimately, the vision is to have houses of prayer established in every major city of the earth prior to the Lord’s return.


VII.    The Holy Spirit is currently organizing a global prayer strategy that will eclipse any other prayer movements in history.

     A.    The Harp and Bowl prayer models and these houses of prayer are just a small part of that emerging prayer strategy.

          1.    Christians worldwide are beginning to unite in prayer and fasting.

               a.    They are trusting for an end-time harvest of souls into the Kingdom of God prior to Jesus’ return.

Note: the referenced visual aids can be found in this VisualAids.pdf file.





Bickle, Mike with Sullivant, Michael Growing in the Prophetic Orlando, FL: Creation House, 1996

Bickle, Mike Harp and Bowl Spiritual Warfare Conference Syllabus FOTB, 2001



Reed, Eric At IHOP Prayer is 24/7 Christianity Today
Fall 2001, Vol. 23, No. 4, Page 35              

Internet Sources

Friends of the Bridegroom Ministries http://www.fotb.com



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